Cena Ergo (ERG)

Cena Ergo (ERG)

Ne kotira
1 Ergo je enako $ 1.974591 USD-2.52%1 dan
Stran nazadnje posodobljena: 2025-01-07 01:15 (UTC+0)
Kako se vam danes zdi Ergo?
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Današnja cena ERG

V tem trenutku cena v živo Ergo znaša $ 1.974591 po tečaju (ERG/USD) s trenutno tržno kapitalizacijo $ 156.39M USD. 24-urni obseg trgovanja je $ 282,727.80 USD. Cena ERG glede na USD se posodablja sproti. Ergo je -2.52% v zadnjih 24 urah s skupno ponudbo na trgu 79.20M.
ERG zgodovina cen USD
Primerjava datumovSprememba zneska% spremembe
Danes$ -0.051105-2.52%
30 dni$ -0.196664-9.06%
60 dni$ 1.158725+142.02%
90 dni$ 1.290333+188.57%

Podrobnosti o trgu ERG

Najnižja in najvišja vrednost v zadnjih 24 urah
Najnižja: $ 1.945498
Najvišja: $ 2.012581
Najvišja in najnižja cena, plačana za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Rekordno visoka vrednost
$ 22.37
Najvišja cena, plačana za to sredstvo, odkar je bilo izdano ali uvrščeno na seznam.
Sprememba cene (1 ura)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 1 uro.
Sprememba cene (24 ur)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 24 urami.
Sprememba cene (7 dni)
Sprememba cene v odstotkih za to sredstvo v primerjavi s stanjem pred 7 dnevi.

Podrobnosti o trgu ERG

Priljubljenost temelji na relativni tržni kapitalizaciji sredstev.
Tržna kapitalizacija
$ 156.39M
Tržna kapitalizacija se izračuna tako, da se skupna ponudba sredstva na trgu pomnoži z njegovo trenutno ceno.
Obseg (24 ur)
$ 282,727.80
Skupna vrednost v dolarjih vseh transakcij za to sredstvo v zadnjih 24 urah.
Razpoložljivi obtok
Število kovancev, ki krožijo na trgu in so na voljo javnosti za trgovanje, podobno kot delnice, s katerimi se javno trguje na borzi.
Skupna končna količina
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.
Popolnoma razredčena tržna kapitalizacija
$ 193.00M
Skupno število kovancev, ki bodo kadar koli ustvarjeni za določeno kriptovaluto, podobno kot pri popolnoma razredčenih delnicah na borzi. Če teh podatkov ne zagotovi ali preveri CoinMarketCap, je končna količina prikazana kot '--'.

About Ergo (ERG)

Ergo is a smart contract platform designed to provide secure, decentralized financial tools, enabling ordinary people to have economic freedom. 

Ergo is a programmable blockchain and decentralized project. The Ergo platform was created and developed to provide and enable the safe, efficient, secure, and easy implementation of financial contracts. Ergo was founded in 2017 by seasoned blockchain developers with experience working in critical roles on other projects such as Bitcoin and Chainlink.

Ergo uses the Autolykos consensus algorithm, a proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm designed to be memory-hard and resistant to ASIC mining. This consensus algorithm is specifically tailored to the Ergo platform's needs, aiming to provide high-level security and prevent centralized control of the network. PoW also helps ensure that the network is resistant to 51% of attacks and other security threats. Ergo reports no transaction or gas fees on its network due to the implementation of its blockchain infrastructure.

The Ergo cryptocurrency coin has been live since 2019. The Ergo platform crypto is used in all network functions. The Ergo native cryptocurrency is known by its token ticker $ERG. The current price of Ergo coin price is updated and available in real-time on Binance.

People Also Ask: Other Questions About Ergo

  1. What is ERG Used For?

    ERG is used in the process of dApps functionality on the Ergo network. All dapps built on Ergo use the ERG coin in their network processes and functions. ERG can also be used in global digital peer-to-peer payments.

    ERG is used to pay for transaction fees, smart contract execution, and other services within the Ergo ecosystem. ERG can also be used as a store of value or a medium of exchange. Additionally, users can stake their ERG to participate in the network's consensus mechanism and earn rewards. The platform also supports the creation of custom assets, which can be used for various purposes, such as crowdfunding or tokenizing real-world assets.

  2. How Does Network Consensus And Validation Work On Ergo?

    Ergo employs the Autolykos consensus algorithm, a memory-hard proof-of-work (PoW) algorithm built to resist ASIC mining. The algorithm is customized to meet the Ergo platform's requirements, ensuring top-level security and thwarting centralized control of the network. PoW is also utilized to protect the network from 51% of attacks and other security vulnerabilities.

  3. Who is the Founder of Ergo?

    Alex Chepurnoy is one of two co-founders of Ergo. Before its founding in 2017 and fair-launching Ergo in 2019, the co-founder participated in the development of Bitcoin from 2011 and co-founded Chainlink. The other co-founder of the Ergo platform is experienced software engineer and developer, Dmitry Meshkov.

  4. What is the Maximum Token Supply of ERG?

    The maximum ERG token supply is over 97 million ERG coins, with a circulating supply of 58,638,426 ERG coins.

  5. What Makes Ergo Different From Others?

    According to the project, they aim to offer efficient and accessible financial tools, such as the Sigma protocol, which enables users to create secure, non-interactive contracts. The platform is also built on the UTXO model, offering better privacy and scalability than other models.

    In 2020, Ergo aligned with ADA and the Cardano network. The collaboration aimed to explore interoperability between the two blockchain platforms and research potential solutions to scalability and smart contract issues. Additionally, the partnership involved the development of a new approach to stablecoins that leverages the best aspects of both blockchain networks.

    Ergo already hosts several dApps on its independent blockchain. The current developments made available on Ergo are SigmaUSD, a decentralized stablecoin pegged to the US Dollar, Ergo Auction House, a platform that enables the auction of NFTs, and ErgoMixer. ErgoMixer is a decentralized protocol that allows the swap or transfer of mixed, combined assets simultaneously, unlike typical one-to-one token transactions.

  6. Is Ergo (ERG) Available On Binance?

    Currently, Ergo (ERG) is unavailable for purchase or trade on Binance. While it is not actively listed, the live Ergo coin price is updated in real-time on Binance.

Video razdelek

Cene kriptovalut so izpostavljene visokemu tržnemu tveganju in nestabilnosti cen. Vlagajte samo v produkte, ki jih poznate in za katere razumete povezana tveganja. Vsebina, izražena na tej strani, ni namenjena in se ne sme razumeti kot odobritev družbe Binance glede zanesljivosti ali točnosti takšne vsebine. Pazljivo pretehtajte svoje naložbene izkušnje, finančno stanje, naložbene cilje in toleranco tveganj ter se pred kakršno koli naložbo posvetujte z neodvisnim finančnim svetovalcem. To gradivo se ne sme razumeti kot finančni nasvet. Pretekla uspešnost ni zanesljiv kazalnik prihodnje uspešnosti. Vrednost vaše naložbe se lahko zniža in poveča. Morda vloženega zneska ne boste dobili nazaj. Za svoje naložbene odločitve ste odgovorni izključno sami. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za morebitne izgube. Za več informacij si oglejte naše pogoje uporabe in opozorila o tveganju. Upoštevajte tudi, da podatki v zvezi z zgoraj omenjeno kriptovaluto, predstavljeni tukaj (kot je njena trenutna cena v živo), temeljijo na virih tretjih oseb. Predstavljeni so vam na podlagi »kot so« in samo v informativne namene, brez zastopanja ali kakršnega koli jamstva. Povezave do spletnih mest tretjih oseb prav tako niso pod nadzorom družbe Binance. Družba Binance ne odgovarja za zanesljivost in točnost takšnih spletnih mest tretjih oseb in njihove vsebine.