Dear Fellow Binanicians

l lost My life savings after working My behind of as a bricklayer.

So l fully support every step one can take in securing the leftovers we get as the fruit of our own labour. l joined the crypto world - l started with coinbase,only to find out,that l couldnt make withdrawal since l am a danish citizen.

so l tried a few more ,and Even with My IT knowledge - l just felt something way off,and thats how l found Binance.

l had a 'friend' help me setup an account,and l have My passwords dobbel checked( written down in 2 extra notebooks).

what l didnt know,he was doing something he wasnt supposed to,l dont know what. All l know is,l spoke to support and they wrote,kick him out and make a New account,New email,New device,New password,all New.

so now ,at 47,ruined by scammers,l sit here and try ro make a few dollars here and there,but My plan of bying a house abroad and enjyoing My retirement, - crashed due to (€31.400.00,and Joy Hannah Samuels(Proearnershub,$26.000) , Evelyn Lacks(New company name every week on telegram,SCAM.)

ln the end its My own fault for being so stupid to actually belive,there are wealthy

people ,wanting to help the less fortunate.

My Arms,shoulders are so filled with pain after lifting and stacking Stones since l was a kid.

lm on disability pension and l can tell you people out there,l feel so buttmauled by the state and some private individuals/scam companies,that l Will never be able to get that money back. in total l lost about half a million,and l still need to eat,pay rent,and lm currently living with My mother,so we shop together,or we simply cant afford to eat. and l pay almost 3/4 in tax,so as My parents and grandparents before me.

l really Hope in case you catch some scammers,then do send their coordinates My way. Just tell them theres a huge giftbox to them, with chains&locks inside🤷‍♂️

#BTC #Write2Earn #BNBHODLer