🎣 Has binance published something official about the ongoing reduction of APR in fixed staking (simple earn) products? ❓️

#SimpleEarn #BNBHODLer

I would like to understand the reasoning behind it and know what APR I can expect in the next time for my simple earn products.

The most distinct reduction for me is for $BNB . Until April APR was about 3,5%.

Now, after steady reduction, it's only at 0,34%.

Other rewards that decreased for me is SOL, from 8,5% to 5,6%, ATOM from 15% to 13% (and I think this will be lowered even more soon), APT, RAY (don't know the specific values for these).

For BNB the airdrops and launchpools are a very welcome (over)compensation for the reduced APR. But for the other named tokens it's simply less attractive for me to hold it in simple earn now.

🤓 What is your experience with it? Have your simple earn products seen similar developments? Tell me your insights please!