According to Odaily, BNB Chain has issued a notice on platform X regarding the impending Haber hard fork of BSC and opBNB mainnet. Validators and node operators are being urged to upgrade to the latest version as soon as possible.

The upcoming hard fork, named Haber, is a significant event in the BNB Chain's timeline. It is expected to bring about changes and improvements to the BSC and opBNB mainnet. The details of these changes have not been disclosed yet.

In light of this, validators and node operators are being advised to upgrade their systems to the latest version. This is to ensure that they are prepared for the changes that the Haber hard fork will bring. The notice did not specify a deadline for the upgrade, but stressed the urgency of the situation.

The BNB Chain's announcement on platform X is a call to action for all involved in the operation of the BSC and opBNB mainnet. It is crucial for the smooth transition and successful implementation of the Haber hard fork. The impact of this hard fork on the BNB Chain's operations and the wider crypto market remains to be seen.