The True Market Mean Price (TMMP) indicator, coupled with the AVIV Ratio, offers a novel method for assessing the average price of digital assets, especially Bitcoin. Unlike the Realized Price, the TMMP takes into account market dynamics and investor behavior over time.

The TMMP is computed by dividing the difference between the Realized Market Cap and the Thermo Market Cap by the time-weighted active supply. This calculation provides an average market price for the digital asset, factoring in both historical transactions and the current circulating supply.

The AVIV Ratio further enhances the TMMP by juxtaposing the active market valuation with the realized valuation, thereby spotlighting significant discrepancies that could signal investment opportunities or risks. This metric, designed to offer a more comprehensive understanding of Bitcoin's market behavior, has demonstrated its value as a powerful tool for analysts and investors aiming to comprehend and predict price trends in the cryptocurrency market.

A key point to note: when the AVIV Ratio turns yellow or red, it indicates that Bitcoin is facing resistance, suggesting that investors are distributing their coins and the cycle's peak is approaching.