If you're starting trading 📈, it's very possible that you're going to lose money 💸 for a long period ⏳.

You're looking for a career that pays a lot of money 💵, everyone who is trading wants to make a lot of money. But remember that you're competing against very smart people 🧠, and it's essentially a zero-sum game ⚖️.

You're trying to take money from these smart people who are trying to take money from you 🤝, and when you start trading, you are going to lose 🥺, and they're going to win 🏆.

That's because you didn't prepare for it 📖, you don't have any mentor 👨‍🏫, you didn't read any book 📚, you didn't watch any educational video 🎥. You just signed up, deposited money 💳, and started trading.

You think this is the right way to win from smart people? I don't think so 🤔.

If you learn before you start 🧑‍🎓, have discipline 🧘‍♂️, are careful ⚠️, and learn how to be objective 📊 without being greedy 🤑, you can beat these smart people trying to take money from you.

Keep learning 📘!$SOL


