### How to Safeguard Yourself from Being Liquidated in Crypto Trading

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To protect yourself from liquidation in cryptocurrency trading, especially when using leverage, follow these essential strategies:

1. **Implement Stop-Loss Orders**: Automatically sell your assets at a predetermined price to cap potential losses. This is a fundamental risk management tool.

2. **Exercise Caution with Leverage**: Only use leverage that you can afford to lose. High leverage amplifies the risk of liquidation.

3. **Stay Vigilant with Market Monitoring**: Regularly observe market trends and your trading positions. Quick adjustments can prevent unexpected losses.

4. **Maintain Adequate Margin**: Keep enough funds in your account to cover margin requirements and avoid margin calls. This financial cushion can prevent forced liquidations.

5. **Understand Liquidation Mechanics**: Familiarize yourself with how the liquidation process works on your trading platform and know the specific liquidation prices for your positions.

6. **Adopt Comprehensive Risk Management**: Invest only what you can afford to lose and diversify your portfolio to spread risk and reduce potential losses.

While these strategies can significantly lower the risk of liquidation, remember that no method is foolproof. Cryptocurrency trading carries substantial risk, so always proceed with caution and informed judgment.

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