Scalping - this is a trading strategy that involves trying to profit from small price changes repeatedly throughout the day. A scalper will try to buy low and sell high, sometimes within just minutes or seconds in some cases. The goal is to accumulate numerous small profits that add up over time.****

Scalping requires traders to watch price charts very closely for brief periods where the market dips just a bit lower than a recent peak, or rises just above a recent trough. They will rapidly enter and exit positions, hoping to profit on these tiny fluctuations repeatedly.

While it sounds simple, successful scalping does require an experienced eye, a high risk tolerance for numerous quick trades, and usually computer-automated systems to help spot and act on fleeting opportunities. It carries substantial risks of mistiming a trade and losing money.

Scalping is generally not recommended for novice traders still learning the ropes. But for those with experience, the strategy of aiming for numerous small gains each day rather than huge overnight reversals can be effective if properly managed._

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