🚀 Bitcoin (BTC) recently soared to a new all-time high of $72,000, riding on a wave of robust buying activity and growing enthusiasm for Bitcoin-centric financial offerings. Analysts are eyeing the $100,000 horizon, driven by the Bitcoin halving and rising institutional embrace. 📈

Meanwhile, Ethereum (ETH) is nearing the $4,000 mark, largely driven by a broader altcoin rally and burgeoning enthusiasm for Ethereum-centric financial products. The SEC's decision on Ethereum ETF applications from industry heavyweights is eagerly anticipated.

In other news, TON ecosystem has unveiled a new “Proof of Personhood” program, integrating AI-driven palm-scanning technology. TON is also expanding its integration with Telegram, allowing for TON-based payments for advertising services on the app.

As the market bubbles with optimism, we'd love to hear your thoughts! 💭 Do you think Bitcoin will reach $100,000 soon? What's your take on Ethereum's future? And how about TON's new initiatives? Share your insights in the comments below! 👇