Binance-Listed Altcoin Rises 2,400 Percent at Board Opening!

Binance announced the first altcoin project, BounceBıt (BB), which it added to the token issuance platform called Megardrop, as a “seed tag” with BB/BTC, BB/USDT, BB/BNB, BB/FDUSD and BB/TRY trading pairs on May 13 at 13.00. listed with.

According to data from Binance, the altcoin, which was launched at $ 0.0238, opened the board at $ 0.6 with an increase of 2.421%. BB, which later retreated slightly, is trading at $0.469 at the time of writing.

Users who wanted to earn #BB had to lock BNB through the Binance web3 wallet.

Within the scope of #MegaDrops , #Binance distributed 168 million of BB, which has a total supply of 2.1 billion, as a reward.

To trade with a 20% discount on Binance and earn rewards from new Megadrop projects