What is the plot of banking on bitcoin

Based on the search results, the plot of the documentary "Banking on Bitcoin" can be summarized as follows:

The film explores the rise and challenges of the cryptocurrency Bitcoin, which is described as "the most disruptive invention since the internet." It examines the ideological battle that has emerged between "fringe utopists and mainstream capitalism" over Bitcoin and its potential to "blur the lines of sovereignty and the financial status quo."

The documentary follows the early pioneers of Bitcoin and how the technology later gained public attention and faced scrutiny from regulators. It features interviews with key figures in the Bitcoin ecosystem, including Charlie Shrem, Gavin Andresen, and the Winklevoss twins, and delves into the arrests of prominent cybercriminals as well as Bitcoin's confrontation with the traditional banking system it was built to disrupt.

While some reviews criticize the film for being biased towards Bitcoin's utopian vision, it is generally considered a comprehensive overview of Bitcoin's history and the ongoing ideological battle surrounding the cryptocurrency.

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