If you're holding non-USD spot synths on Ethereum Mainnet (L1), swap these to sUSD (or other assets) using @1inch or @DefiLlama ASAP. The Spartan Council will utilize a discount rate on Monday for the synth redeemer. The longer you wait to redeem your non-USD synths, the more the discount ratio will be applied. Please note: Users holding non-USD synths or SNX on other chains do not need to take any action. This only applies to those holding non-USD synths on Ethereum Mainnet. Synth Redeemer & Discount SIP - https://sips.synthetix.io/sccp/sccp-2103/ This change will help neutralize skew for stakers, make hedging easier for SNX stakers, introduce liquidity for sUSD, ramp up activities on Synthetix V3, and migrate synths. Before Monday - To swap your non-USD synths: Visit https://swap.defillama.com/ or https://app.1inch.io/#/1/advanced/swap/ETH to swap your non-USD synths to sUSD (or other assets). Beginning on Monday - To redeem your non-USD synths: 1. Visit https://staking.synthetix.io/wallet/balances (make sure you're connected to Ethereum Mainnet). 2. Locate your non-USD synth holdings and redeem each one. After the redemption process is complete, you will receive sUSD in your wallet, and your non-USD synth balance will be reduced to zero. If you have any questions or need assistance with the redemption process, please reach out to the Synthetix community on Discord. Read more - https://blog.synthetix.io/legacy-spot-synth-exchange-deprecation-migration/