Maker Endgame is underway. As we ramp up for the Endgame launch season, here's what's on the horizon: • New Brand Identity: MakerDAO is unveiling a new brand identity that makes saving with stablecoins fun and simple. It promises easy access to innovative tokens without additional risk, embodying our core principles in a fresh, engaging way. • New SubDAOs: The introduction of new SubDAOs will mark an expansion in our ecosystem. These autonomous, flexible entities built on MakerDAO's robust infrastructure will cater to various interests, allowing users to choose their preferred SubDAO and start farming its unique tokens. • New Tokens: A month after our brand reveal, two new tokens will be launched - NewStable and NewGovToken. NewStable aims for mass adoption, offering a new way to engage with our ecosystem, while NewGovToken provides upgraded governance features, allowing MKR holders to convert their tokens at a significant multiplier. • AI Tools: To streamline the governance process and enhance user interaction, we're integrating advanced AI tools. These will simplify decision-making and allow members of all experience levels to contribute to the governance of SubDAOs. • Governance Participation Rewards: The Lockstake Engine will reward long-term governance participation. By locking MKR and NewGovToken, participants gain increased exposure to risks and rewards and a stronger influence over governance decisions. Additionally, 30% of all protocol surplus will be redistributed as NewStable rewards to active governance participants. • New Blockchain: Looking ahead, Phase 3 will introduce NewChain—a dedicated L1 blockchain designed to host our core tokenomics and governance mechanisms. This platform will support the scalability of the SubDAO ecosystem and facilitate the integration of real-world assets, DeFi, and inter-blockchain bridging. • NewBridge Launch: Alongside the Lockstake Engine, the first version of NewBridge will launch, seamlessly connecting NewStable, NewGovTokens, and other Maker Ecosystem tokens from Ethereum Mainnet to a major L2 network (TBD). This will significantly reduce transaction costs and enhance accessibility, paving the way for expanded token farming and usage. This is just the beginning. The future of MakerDAO and the vast potential of the Endgame strategy are poised to redefine our trajectory, aiming to scale the Dai supply to 100 billion and beyond.