The controversy that has arisen since the birth of crypto assets—whether it is a risk asset or a safe haven asset—has intensified.

Is it?

Isn't it?

Everyone can also vote and express their opinions, which we will compile and publish.

I personally believe it isn't. From the perspective of monetary history and civilization iteration, only core equivalents that transcend civilizations and eras can become safe-haven assets. Therefore, from this perspective, only gold is not only a risk asset but also a safe-haven asset. Shells are not, paper money is not, oil is not. Cryptocurrency depends on information technology and is a product of advanced information technology. It has not yet been able to transcend the limitations of its time. Therefore, it can only be considered a risk asset, and it is a new, unstable, highly risky asset, which is also one of the reasons why it is classified as securities.

Can it exist beyond its time one day?

$BTC $ETH #BTC #ETH #比特币减半 #新币挖矿 #大盘走势