What does it take to create a credible and efficient asset? It should be convincing to the investors, operationally effective to its stakeholders, and have the vision and perseverance of a team with a well-tested track record. Lingo, a utility token engineered for the next billion web3 consumers, exemplifies these qualities.Scoring high in all three aspects, Lingo raised US$5 million in its seed round and has already secured more than US$50 million in contract. As a token that leverages the potential of blockchain-powered RWA to reward communities with real-life benefits, Lingo is driven forward by a dynamic team whose co-founders had US$150 million in their previous exit. 

Led by a Dynamic Duo

Lingo is the brainchild of David Amsellam, the Co-founder and Chairman, and HM Rawat, the Co-Founder and CEO. With more than 23 years of diverse industry experience, David has also been the CEO of DA for the past five years. He owned the brand John Paul for over 11 years, between 2007 and 2018. 

HM Rawat, on the other hand, is a serial entrepreneur keenly interested in building businesses from scratch. At the age of 18, Rawat founded the first digital agency in Mauritius and was awarded SME company of the year by the Ministry of IT. By the time he reached 20, he had tripled overseas revenue for his family business @HMRAWAT. At the age of 22, Rawat launched Subway in Mauritius and became the youngest master franchisee in the world at the time. 

It took him only six years to scale to 12 restaurants to become the fastest-growing restaurant brand in the country to be acquired by a public-listed company’s majority shareholder in 2022. 

The track record of Lingo’s founders stands as testimony to the fact that Lingo was poised for growth from day zero. 

Lingo’s Model for Growth

As David puts it, Lingo addresses three concerns that the crypto space is often characterized by: complexity, volatility, and a lack of real-life utility.  To counter these perceptions, the Lingo coin has been designed in an easy-to-comprehend fashion. By holding the coin, one can earn points and consistently claim rewards. These rewards and benefits are tangible and practical for everyday use, covering a range of real-life needs, such as vacations, tickets, coffee, shopping, and more. 

To elaborate on the operating model of Lingo, it follows a simple sequence of Buy, Earn, Redeem. 

Owning $LINGO, Lingo’s native ERC20 token deployed on the Polygon Blockchain makes the holder eligible to stake the asset to receive points redeemable for real-world rewards, which could be anything from a cup of coffee to hotel stays. Lingo has its holding company to fuel its rewards ecosystem, which generates value for itself. Every transaction in the ecosystem contributes to a burgeoning real-estate portfolio that not only supports an exponentially growing rewards pool but also attracts more communities under its fold. 

The first version of Lingo’s decentralized application will integrate over 100,000 hotels worldwide that will be available for booking via $LINGO. It will feature a robust RWA system that ensures consistent yield generation and point distribution regardless of the market condition. Additionally, through its partnership with the Fizen App, $LINGO holders have the unique opportunity to exchange their tokens for gift cards from 5,000+ brands, including Netflix, Nike, Uber, Spotify, and more. 

In the future, the community will have the ultimate say on Lingo’s real-estate investments, as decisions are intended to be made through a DAO. For now, 70% of Lingo’s distributed fees are earmarked for purchasing real estate, while the remaining 10 and 20% are geared towards marketing and the ecosystem, respectively. 

Lingo’s model is destined for growth with infinite scalability as its core distinguishing feature, which is powered by the utility of loyalty rewards and value-producing real-world assets. 

It makes its token holders’ investment worthwhile by creating perpetual buying pressure through monthly buybacks. Lingo funds its real estate by implementing a smart-coded transaction fee of 2.5% on on-chain token trades, transfers, and redemptions. Its flywheel model is well laid out and sustainable.

Not only are Lingo’s smart-coded transaction fees a source of assurance but so is its smart contract, which has undergone a thorough audit conducted by Hacken. Impressively, it has achieved an overall score of 9.5 out of 10, with a security score of 10 out of 10. 

All these accomplishments are the outcome of the team’s commitment, which is full of dynamic leaders like Adrien, Milan, and David. 

A Vibrantly Energetic Team

Adrien Hidalgo, the CTO of Lingo, brings a wealth of experience from his previous role in the CIO Office (Securitization, Global Markets Division) at Credit Agricole CIB immediately prior to his tenure at Lingo. Milan Amin, serving as Lingo’s CMO, is a well-recognized figure in today’s Web3 and cutting-edge tech space, with a background that includes a broad range of responsibilities at Binance, spanning Marketing, Brand, and Global Partnerships. Lastly, Adrien Delaroche, the tech strategist for Lingo, has contributed his expertise as the head architect at Consensys. 

Backed by acclaimed organizations like Binance Pay, Accubits, Polygon, and more, Lingo has all its resources effectively attuned to a well-balanced growth model. 

In a world where blockchain adoption is growing two times faster than the speed at which the internet grew in the nineties, Lingo is all set to embody a speedy surge, with more than 250 KOLs and celebrity brand ambassadors having joined it already with a combined followership of more than 300 million. 

It is indeed a paradigm-altering initiative that innovatively works towards one of the simplest goals: building the World’s most rewarding token. 

The post Meet Lingo: On a Steadfast Journey to Become the World’s Most Rewarding Web3 Token appeared first on Metaverse Post.