If you're holding non-USD Spot Synths on Ethereum Mainnet (L1), action is required! To support the migration to Synthetix V3, spot synth exchanges (and atomic swaps) are being deprecated on April 15th. If you hold sETH, sBTC, or other spot synths besides sUSD, swap them before this date. After April 15th, any remaining non-USD spot synths can only be redeemed via the L1 redeemer contract at the Chainlink price for sUSD. Spot Synths include sETH, sBTC, sEUR, sGBP, sJPY, and other non-USD spot synths. If you do not swap out by the initial deadline, the Spartan Council may begin applying a discount rate that dilutes the value of your spot synths. Additional announcements will be made before this discount rate takes effect. This change will help neutralize skew for stakers and make hedging easier for SNX stakers. It's a crucial step in introducing liquidity for sUSD and ramping up activities on Synthetix V3. Note: This change only applies to Ethereum Mainnet.

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