🔥 The longer that you’re in the Bitcoin market, the easier it becomes to notice the mistakes that investors are constantly repeating. One of these mistakes that quickly becomes glaring is that people don’t understand what Bitcoin is, and what our mindset should be.

The hard truth is that nearly everyone who has invested in Bitcoin and crypto falls into this group. We all heard the stories about people who were early in this market and quickly became rich.

We were all fed the dream and told that Bitcoin would make us rich. That we were all going to make it. (WAGMI) Even the most bullish Bitcoiners were declaring that BTC would eventually cause one of the largest transfers of wealth that the world has ever seen. All of these things could very well become true, and as time goes on with Bitcoin seemingly becomes stronger. They have a better chance of happening.

But that isn’t the real power of Bitcoin.

The truth is that Bitcoin is the greatest form of savings that we have ever seen.