🚀Hey there, blockchain enthusiasts! Did you know that the average identity has a 1 in 5 chance of already being a victim of infostealer malware infection? 😲 According to SpyCloud's 2024 Identity Exposure Report, there has been a rapid increase in identity-based attacks due to malware. In 2023, 61% of data breaches involving over 343 million stolen credentials were infostealer malware-related!

🔍Researchers found that the average digital identity appears in as many as nine breaches and is associated with 15 breach records. This puts individuals' identities, platforms they have access to, and physical well-being at risk. Infostealer malware enables criminals to collect vast amounts of information about the user and the device, including session cookies, API keys, and crypto wallet addresses.

🛡️So, how can we protect our digital identities? Trevor Hilligoss, VP of SpyCloud Labs, suggests a multi-layered approach, starting with quickly identifying exposed identities and moving to post-infection remediation. This includes invalidating compromised authentication data for all applications exposed by the infection, preventing future cyberattacks resulting from the stolen information.

📱Mobile malware is also becoming an attractive attack vector for criminals. Between August and December 2023, SpyCloud recaptured 10.58 million mobile records exfiltrated by malware. Compromised devices can result in sensitive data compromise, disruption of operations, and reputational damage.

🗣️What do you think about these findings? Are you taking steps to protect your digital identity? Share your thoughts in the comments below! 👇