❗️ℹ️ Latest news from the blockchain and crypto universe:

- Binance Changes:

Binance will stop supporting Tron's TRC-20 USDC transactions starting April 5. Users are advised to take action with their TRC-20 USDC tokens before this date, although USDC trading remains unaffected. 🔄

- ParaSwap's Response to Vulnerability:

After discovering a vulnerability in its AugustusV6 smart contract, ParaSwap has started returning crypto to users. Collaborating with Chainalysis and TRM Labs, they're hard at work tracing hacker activities and securing assets. 🛡️

- Do Kwon's Legal Saga:

Terraform Labs co-founder Do Kwon finds temporary relief with his release from Montenegro prison. The Supreme Court is reevaluating his extradition, keeping an eye on decisions from the United States and South Korea. 🌍

- ANZ and Chainlink Labs' Innovation:

A promising collaboration between ANZ and Chainlink Labs showcases a successful connection between the Avalanche and Ethereum blockchain networks, paving the way for more seamless on-chain transactions. 🌐

Stay tuned for more updates and make sure to navigate these developments wisely in your blockchain and crypto endeavors!

#newsdaily #CryptoNews🚀🔥