According to BlockBeats, the BitVol index,a measure of Bitcoin's expected impliedvolatility, rose to 78.81 on March 6th, justbelow the one-year high of 79.92 recordedon March 4th. The index is a collaborationbetween financial index company T3 Indexand Bitcoin options trading platformLedgerX. The BitVol index measures the30-day expected implied volatility derivedfrom tradable Bitcoin options prices.Implied volatility represents the marketparticipants' views and expectations of themarket's future, and is considered theclosest to the actual volatility at that time.The actual option price is formed by thecompetition of numerous option traders,and the implied volatility is calculatedusing the B-S option pricing formula,substituting the actual option price and

other parameters except for the volatility ointo the formula.

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