What is StarkPepe on Starknet ?
StarkPepe proudly stands as the premier community memecoin within the Starknet ecosystem, showcasing an impressive total volume nearing 10 million, 15 thousand holders, and a thriving social community exceeding 10 thousand followers.

Tokenomics :
StarkPepe has firmly established itself as the leading native coin of Starknet. Our tokenomics exemplify the essence of a genuine community memecoin: zero allocation for the team, no tokens earmarked for marketing purposes, and an organic growth trajectory driven by our dedicated followers and community.

Why $SPEPE is a great choice ?
Starkpepe is strategically positioned to emerge as the foremost and largest crosschain memecoin, facilitated by an innovative bridging mechanism and a suite of farming/gaming protocols that leverage $SPEPE as a utility token.

What's the future of SPEPE ?
Recently unveiled, our roadmap outlines an ambitious trajectory for SPEPE, encompassing the development of additional protocols centered around SPEPE and the introduction of pioneering on-chain market making services, a first-of-its-kind initiative within the Starknet ecosystem.

Starkpepe has not yet revealed all of its secrets, a bright future lies ahead of us!