
23 Lessons I Learned In 2023.

1. 90% of people online don't make the amount of money they claim they make.

2. Anyone can do with or without you.

3. 95% of people online are faking action, and yet they make people believe they're taking action.

4. 99% of your audience will forget they read your daily post. They only remember any post that deeply speaks to them.

5. No one thinks about you all day except those who borrowed you money.

6. You can find love ANYWHERE.

7. When you help people, money finds you. When you help more people, more money finds you.

8. Adults forget themselves, so don't expect someone who forgot themselves to remember you all the time.

9. No one has figured out life 100%. We are all approaching life from our specific realities.

10. The easiest way on Earth to lose your sanity is make "IMPRESSING PEOPLE" your job description.

11. Age isn't just a number. Age matters in so many things and so many ways.

12. Discipline will win over motivation anyday.

13. Improvement is real. Perfection is an illusion.

14. There are genuinely happy marriages out there.

15. Being a good human wouldn't make you rich.

16. Someone who doesn't agree with you isn't less intelligent.

17. When your emotions rise, your intelligence drops.

18. Everyone should have at least one person they talk to when they're overwhelmed.

19. It's only 1% that succeeds at anything. That's why the top is so scanty.

20. New month and new year wishes doesn't change sh*t. They're just formalities that makes us feel good.

21. Prayer doesn't cure laziness.

22. You'd get something if you need it badly. If you end up not getting it, you'd be close to getting it. This applies to both legal and illegal pursuits.

23. 2024 isn't your year. It's just a date on the calendar. If you want it to be your year, then be ready to pay the price to make it yours. Remember, if you pray for the rain, you'd have to deal with the mud.


Those are my lessons from 2023. They're not a standard or the truth. They're just my realities. I dropped them here as a reminder to keep myself in check.

To our success!

© Nonso Armani.

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