🤖 AI News (November 18, 2023):

1️⃣ OpenAI: #openai announced that Sam Altman has stepped down from the position of CEO and left the board of directors. The role of interim CEO has been taken up by the Technical Director, Mira Murati. This decision follows an internal review. 🔄 It turns out Altman was not always transparent with the board of directors, limiting the fulfillment of his duties.

2️⃣ IBM: #ibm has declared the establishment of a venture fund — IBM Enterprise AI Venture Fund — with a total of $500 million, aimed at projects in artificial intelligence. 🌐 Financial support from major companies like IBM contributes to the development of the artificial intelligence industry.

3️⃣ FT: OpenAI has secured additional funding from #microsoft for the development of General Artificial Intelligence (AGI). AGI is software based on #ai that possesses human-level intelligence. 💰 Partnership with a giant like Microsoft could be a pivotal moment in AGI development, but it's crucial to ensure that user interests and ethical norms are not compromised.

4️⃣ Youtube: #youtube will start labeling videos created with AI. The updated guiding principles of YouTube include requirements for disclosing information about content created using AI. 🤖 A move towards transparency in AI-generated content creation will help viewers better understand how content is formed and strengthen trust in the platform.

5️⃣ Meta: Meta Corporation has announced Emu Video and Emu Edit — tools based on generative artificial intelligence for editing and creating content. Both neural networks, built on the Emu language model, are still in the testing phase. According to the statement, the products already demonstrate potential benefits for artists, animators, and other creative professionals. 🎨 It's important to monitor the results of testing and consider potential ethical issues in the implementation of these products.

👍 Stay updated on the latest news in the world of artificial intelligence!