Minima has launched a unique cooperation with WeTransfer, an online content sharing platform.
Customers will be able to create NFTs immediately from their devices.
Minima’s decentralized peer-to-peer system enables potential to be transferred from one individual to another.
Platform for virtual sharing of files WeTransfer is collaborating with blockchain network Minima to deploy non-fungible tokens (NFTs) on the system, permitting customers to create NFTs straight from their smartphones.
Minima is a mobile-optimized Layer 1 ledger and peer-to-peer system. Its ultra-lean technology, according to its site, would allow individuals to “operate a complete building and verifying nodes,” resulting in what developers believe will be a truly decentralized system. The blockchain’s native currency is the Minima coin, which enables peer-to-peer exchanges among members without the use of a third party. The system is now in the test-net stage and will go online in 180 nations in March.
Members of the blockchain would be able to “transfer their digital products and effectively collect income” as a result of the collaboration with WeTransfer.
This collaboration will investigate the actual application of NFT software, which is relevant not just to the crypto business but will also serve as a test case to illustrate the potential for widespread acceptance of this revolutionary digital tool.
Minima is pioneering blockchain decentralization by completely building and verifying nodes distributed worldwide on phones and connected devices. Its system is totally governed by its users, without any centralizing aspects like miners or external validators.
WeTransfer includes some excellent security mechanisms.TLS cryptography is used for documents in transmission; AES 256-bit security is used for documents kept on WeTransfer’s servers; and two-factor verification is used for enrolled account holders. People can also passcode any data using WeTransfer Premium.
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