According to PANews, on August 28, Japanese Minister of Economy, Trade, and Industry, Koichi Hagiuda, delivered a speech at the Web3 conference 'WebX 2024'. Hagiuda emphasized that the world is at a historic turning point, entering an era of international competition in industrial policy. He expressed his desire to seize opportunities for economic growth and outlined a vision for Japan to become a 'global creative hub'. Hagiuda proposed a strategy to leverage Japan's strengths and capitalize on the digital transformation (DX) and green transformation (GX) sectors to generate revenue from global markets. He highlighted the significance of Web3 technology and mentioned plans for tax and legal reforms to support startups, as well as initiatives to create future use cases. Hagiuda praised the immense potential of Japan's Web3 and blockchain sectors and expressed his intention to create an environment that attracts entrepreneurs and developers from around the world. He concluded by expressing hope that the conference would lead to groundbreaking innovations.