According to BlockBeats, Ethereum Domain Service (ENS) has announced the ENSv2 project plan on June 20. The ENSv2 project will be launched on L2 and will be carried out in five stages.

The ENSv2 project is a significant development in the Ethereum ecosystem, aiming to enhance the functionality and efficiency of the Ethereum Domain Service. The project will be implemented on L2, a layer 2 scaling solution, which is expected to improve the scalability and speed of the Ethereum network.

The project will be rolled out in five stages, each focusing on different aspects of the ENSv2 development. The detailed plan for each stage is yet to be announced. However, the overall goal of the project is to enhance the Ethereum Domain Service and make it more user-friendly and efficient.

This announcement marks a significant step forward for the Ethereum Domain Service and the broader Ethereum ecosystem. The ENSv2 project, once fully implemented, is expected to bring substantial improvements to the Ethereum network and its users.