According to PANews, FriendTech is on the verge of launching its proprietary chain, Friendchain. The move is expected to have significant implications for the company and the base chain. The information was shared by a panel of experts including 0xLuo, a deep participant of Farcaster, independent researcher Haotian, QiaoLiang, the founder of @realdegencast, and Wendy, an investor from IOSG.

The panel discussed the differences between Nostr, Farcaster,, and Lens, and whether these social protocols could become the Twitter of Web3. They also explored the pros and cons of Friendtech's impending move and the differences between Degen Chain and Friendchain. The possibility of Farcaster launching a token was also discussed, as well as the question of whether social protocols need to break out of their circles.

The launch of Friendchain by FriendTech is seen as a significant move in the tech industry. The panelists discussed the potential impact of this move on the company and the base chain. They also compared Friendchain with Degen Chain, highlighting the unique features and potential benefits of each.

The discussion also touched on the broader implications of the move for the tech industry. The panelists debated whether social protocols need to break out of their circles to achieve wider adoption and success. The potential for Farcaster to launch a token was also discussed, with the panelists weighing the potential benefits and drawbacks.

The panelists' insights provide a comprehensive overview of the potential impact of FriendTech's move. As the launch of Friendchain approaches, the tech industry will be watching closely to see how it unfolds and what it means for the future of social protocols.