According to BlockBeats, Matt Huang, co-founder of Paradigm, expressed his unwavering belief in the future of cryptocurrency on June 14. He stated that when Paradigm was established in 2018, they believed that cryptocurrency would be one of the most significant technological and economic transformations in the coming decades. Six years later, this belief has only strengthened.

Bitcoin's market value has reached over a trillion. Ethereum, Solana, and other blockchain networks are gradually expanding. Stablecoins are being adopted globally, and cutting-edge research is accelerating. New infrastructure is making consumer applications possible, and hundreds of millions of people now own cryptocurrency. Cryptocurrency has become a major player on the global political stage.

Huang emphasized that accelerating the positive development of crypto technology is more important than ever, not only as investors but also as builders. Over the past few years, they have launched several open-source projects, including the popular Ethereum development tool Foundry and the high-performance Ethereum execution node Reth, aimed at promoting the development of crypto technology.