According to Odaily, Whales Market has announced the launch of Ultiverse (ULTI) on its Pre-Market platform. The platform, known for its extensive reach in the digital market, has added Ultiverse to its growing list of digital assets. The move is seen as a significant step in expanding the platform's offerings and providing more options for its users.

The addition of Ultiverse to the Whales Market Pre-Market platform is expected to bring new opportunities for both the platform and its users. As the digital market continues to evolve, platforms like Whales Market are continually looking for ways to expand their offerings and stay ahead of the curve. The inclusion of Ultiverse is a testament to this commitment.

Details about the launch or any potential impact on the market have not been disclosed. However, the move is expected to generate interest among digital asset enthusiasts and potentially lead to increased activity on the platform. As the digital market continues to grow, platforms like Whales Market are positioning themselves to take advantage of these opportunities.