According to Odaily, the annual hackathon AwesomWasm, organized by CosmWasm's development team Confio, has concluded on the Dora Factory's blockchain governance infrastructure, Dora Vota, with MACI quadratic voting. This event marked the first application of MACI quadratic voting in a CosmWasm community event and the first use of the MACI mechanism in a large-scale event within the Cosmos ecosystem.

The hackathon saw participation from 14 BUIDL teams in the final voting review. Core members from Kuijira, Neutron, and Abstract, who were track sponsors, participated in the MACI quadratic voting. The final awards were determined based on the results of the MACI voting. The ZK proofs generated from the voting results have been uploaded to the Dora Vota voting page, and the MACI voting results can be directly obtained through the related contract link.

The specific results of the hackathon will be announced later on the DoraHacks platform. This hackathon, co-hosted by Confio and DoraHacks for two consecutive years, is one of the most important developer events in the CosmWasm ecosystem.