According to Odaily, Ethereum's Pectra upgrade is set to take place in the first quarter of 2025. The upgrade is expected to include EOF, PeerDAS, EIP-7702, and other proposals.

The Pectra upgrade is a significant step in Ethereum's ongoing development and evolution. It is expected to bring about several improvements and enhancements to the Ethereum network. The inclusion of EOF, PeerDAS, and EIP-7702 in the upgrade indicates Ethereum's commitment to continuous improvement and innovation.

EOF, PeerDAS, and EIP-7702 are all important components of the Pectra upgrade. EOF, or Ethereum Object Format, is a new format for Ethereum objects that aims to improve the efficiency and performance of the Ethereum network. PeerDAS, or Peer-to-Peer Decentralized Autonomous System, is a system that allows for decentralized peer-to-peer interactions on the Ethereum network. EIP-7702 is a proposal for a new Ethereum Improvement Proposal that aims to improve the Ethereum network's functionality and performance.

The Pectra upgrade is a significant event in the Ethereum community and is eagerly anticipated by Ethereum users and developers alike. The upgrade is expected to bring about significant improvements to the Ethereum network, enhancing its performance, efficiency, and functionality.