There is a saying that "The big birds don't fly in the morning". The question is, what are the small and big birds in crypto? The small birds are the shitcoins, very hard to hunt with very low winning chances of 1:100. Most folks are fascinated by hypes, trends and influencers. The end result is lost of funds, frustration and total lost of interest in the crypto.

Believe or not crypto has come to stay and nothing can stop it...it is the future. Don't let your children ask you; "Dady why didn't you get me some crypto during your time?"

Let me dive into the list of token you should store as promised.

I won't give analysis here, I will list them according to my research. You can also DYOR

NO4: $SOL Its already cruising at a phantom II speed, with some token in the ecosystem , it's likely to halt at $120

NO3: $BNB is the next big bird to rise with most coins in the ecosystem.

NO2: $ETH This coin is still holding resistance at $2,300 and when it takes off, it will be an SU in the air.

#1. BTC. The king of coins will be the last to rise in a short while. The take off will be vertical like an F-22 Raptor and will become an actual store for wealth.



My next post will be on selected millionaire MEMEs and promising Gems in selected ecosystems. Stay tuned, follow me, like and share.

Let me have your views in the comments