The crypto space has been hit again, and this time, the Banana Gun trading bot on Telegram is at the center of attention. Users of this Telegram-based bot have fallen victim to a hack that drained millions of dollars. Banana Gun, which allowed users to trade on popular blockchains like Ethereum, saw over $1.9 million worth of assets vanish. While it’s unclear exactly how the hackers did it, what is certain is that many Telegram accounts were affected, leaving the community in shock.

Ethereum Hack Hits Banana Gun Users

The recent hack on Banana Gun impacted fewer than 50 Telegram users, but the loss was still massive. Around 563 ETH, worth over $1.4 million, was stolen. The attack targeted the wallets of users who relied on the bot for automated trading. The development team acted quickly, taking the bot offline to investigate the hack and secure the platform. They advised users to avoid making further transactions while they worked to understand what went wrong.Despite the team’s swift action, the lack of early communication frustrated and scared many users.

Seems like there is already 36 victims with almost 563 #ETH stolen “so far” on mainnet. The last one was drained an hour ago, but there is more rumour that drains started on #SOL too.

I wouldnt say that @BananaGunBot itself got hacked, not enough victims.

— yannickcrypto.eth (@YannickCrypto) September 19, 2024

How the Hack Affected Telegram Accounts

The hack mainly drained Ethereum from user accounts. The attackers siphoned funds from around 36 wallets, according to reports. This suggests that while the number of victims was relatively small, the impact was significant. Interestingly, the bot itself may not have been directly hacked. Some in the crypto community believe the hack affected specific wallets rather than the bot’s entire system. However, with over $1.9 million drained from users, it’s clear that the damage was extensive, and confidence in Banana Gun has taken a hit.

Security Measures After the Hack

After the hack, the Banana Gun team urged users to secure their wallets and avoid using the bot until further notice. They communicated through their official Telegram channel, assuring users that they were investigating the incident and taking steps to prevent further hacks. The team’s actions showed they were serious about protecting users, but the event still caused panic across the Telegram community. This hack has led to calls for better security protocols and a more proactive approach to safeguarding users’ assets on platforms like Telegram.

The Bigger Picture of Crypto Hacks

This Banana Gun hack isn’t an isolated incident. The crypto space has seen a surge in attacks, with hackers targeting everything from wallets to entire decentralized protocols. Just recently, other platforms like Ethena Labs had to halt operations after a hack compromised their domain. The crypto world is fast-moving and innovative, but these constant hacks show that security remains a big concern. As more people use bots like Banana Gun for trading, ensuring safety and preventing future hacks will be more crucial than ever.