The FBI has issued a warning about North Korean hackers targeting the crypto industry with sophisticated social engineering attacks. These attacks involve researching targets, creating personalized fictional scenarios, and building trust before delivering malware or requesting access to company networks and devices. The hackers impersonate high-profile individuals, technology experts, and recruiters, using stolen images and fake time-sensitive events to increase credibility.

The FBI advises crypto firms to be vigilant and take action to prevent these attacks, which can cause significant harm. Some precautions include:

- Being cautious of personalized investment offers or employment opportunities

- Verifying the identity of individuals requesting access or action

- Avoiding downloading applications or executing codes from unknown sources

- Being wary of requests to enable video call functionalities or conduct pre-employment tests

- Using reputable software for tasks and avoiding custom software

By being aware of these tactics, crypto firms can reduce the risk of falling victim to these aggressive attacks.


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