Bitcoin request from Venezuelan leader: "We added 14 zeros to our money"

Maria Corina Machado, one of the opposition leaders in Venezuela, where inflation has exceeded 1 million percent for a while due to US sanctions, said in an interview that Bitcoin has a great share in recovering from inflation for many Venezuelans. Machado also stated that Bitcoin should be included in the country's reserves.

Maria Corina Machado, one of the opposition leaders in Venezuela, who announced that she did not recognize the election that Maduro won with the debates, gave an interview to Bitcoin Magazine. Machado said that Bitcoin is vital for Venezuelans and is a tool to get rid of inflation.

“14 zeros have been added to our money”

Stating that 14 zeros were added to their money due to the bad management during the Hugo Chavez and Nicolas Maduro periods and that inflation increased to over 1 million percent in 2018, Machado used the following statements:

“In our country, financial rights such as human rights were taken from the people. For a while, the Venezuelan Bolivar was fixed between 3-4 units against the dollar. However, after that, 14 zeros were added to our money, so we actually lost 14 zeros. We experienced disastrous financial crises. Inflation increased to over 1 million in 2018. People had to leave their countries. Beyond these, people's access to banks was blocked or their accounts were frozen. Bitcoin, on the other hand, bypasses all these barriers. It has become a vital tool of resistance”