According to Odaily, Justin Drake from the Ethereum Foundation recently addressed questions regarding the organization's financial longevity during an AMA session. When asked about the duration for which the Ethereum Foundation's current funds would last, Drake provided detailed insights into their financial status.

Drake revealed that the Ethereum Foundation (EF) is set to release its financial report soon. He stated that the EF's annual expenditure is approximately $100 million. Based on current prices, the main Ethereum wallet of the EF holds around $650 million. Additionally, the EF has a reserve of fiat currency, which can cover several years of operational costs. Drake noted that this is the part he is least familiar with. He also mentioned that, as Aya pointed out, Ethereum sales were temporarily halted due to regulatory reasons, and the reserves have only recently been replenished. Rough estimates suggest that the foundation has about ten years' worth of financial reserves. However, this reserve is subject to change based on the fluctuations in Ethereum's price.