At 21, I lost $45K on DOGE. At first I had $500, then I raised a little on GRT and I got about $2,000.
Then I entered DOGE and made a good profit, but I didn’t stop and on the pullback I increased the position with 3X margin leverage, a powerful pump began to appear on my account, the numbers 10, then 20, then 30, then 45 thousand dollars began to flash, then it dropped again yes 11 thousand, in the end I closed about 30-40 thousand, I don’t remember exactly.
Then I went long on futures and for a while the price again reached about 45 thousand dollars, but then I fell asleep because I was very sick at the time and when I woke up I saw that my position was only 7 thousand dollars and I closed the position in horror.

Binance trade