It took me 4 years in the crypto market to realize these things, but you only need 2 minutes to read:

1. No matter the market condition, one thing stays the same: A small percentage will always hold the majority of the supply.

2. Financial, capital, and risk management skills are crucial—far more than technical analysis or crypto research.

3. Earn while you sleep: The crypto market offers several ways to make money without actively trading.

On average, Bitcoin has seen significant growth over the years. Yet, why do so few people profit? It’s because the “get rich quick” mentality prevails. If you can’t dedicate consistent time to crypto, focus on BTC and ETH—70% in $BTC , 30% in ETH.

Trust no one blindly: Trust leads to hope, disappointment, and errors. Learn independently and take responsibility for your decisions. That’s how you gain real experience!

The ultimate goal of investing is to make life more meaningful. If crypto investing aligns with that, go for it. If not, reconsider your approach.

Crypto is no longer just a tech innovation; it's now a financial market deeply connected to global economics. People might discourage you from investing in Bitcoin, but remember—once something becomes widely accepted, the window of opportunity may close. Seize your chance now!

Invest wisely, make meaningful choices, and let crypto lead you to a brighter future. 🚀

#SahmRule #Web3Eco #Wifey #Write2Earn! #SahmRule