Here’s a perfect example from 2020-2021 — $LINK vs $SOL:

- Bottom Out Early: They bottom out with $BTC and take the lead.

- Pump Hardest in Early Bull Run: These coins see massive gains in the first stage of the bull market.

- Peak Before BTC Price Discovery: They usually top out before #BTC enters its Price Discovery phase.

⭐️ Bull Market MVPs ($SOL):

- New Entrants: These are fresh projects that haven’t seen a bear market yet but quickly catch up when they hit the market.

- Massive Gains Post-BTC Price Discovery: They often make most of their gains after #BTC enters Price Discovery.

- Top Out Last: They tend to peak much later in the bull run.

🔍 A Closer Look at 2021:

- $LINK (Early Bird): Topped out in May 2021, making most of its gains early in the bull run.

- $SOL (Bull Market MVP): Hit a temporary top in May 2021 but went on to break its $58 top in August 2021, eventually reaching an incredible $260 by November!

🗓️ November 2021 Highlights:

- #Bitcoin : Made a Higher High (Cycle Top).

- $SOL: Also made a Higher High (Cycle Top).

- $LINK: Made a LOWER High, having topped out in May.

💡 Key Takeaway:

When #BTC enters the Price Discovery phase, it’s often wise to rotate out of Early Birds 🐦 like Link and into potential Bull Market MVPs ⭐️ like $SOL.

This strategy helps capture gains both early and late in the bull market cycle!

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