Pieces of Advice:

1) Never bring borrowed money to the markets; it will make your life miserable. You'll experience a rush of emotions that will constantly lead to bad decisions. Your first concern will be making money, and the second will be safely returning the borrowed money. One losing trade will put you under pressure to recover the loss, trapping you in a cycle that could eventually blow your account.

2) Avoid falling victim to analysis paralysis. No one can perfectly time or script the market. What we do is make logical guesses with confluence; nothing more. It's a game of probabilities. Stalking crypto Twitter and following thousands of different accounts will cloud your judgment, leading to poor decisions.

3) Sit on your hands when you don't see an edge. Don't force setups. Patience is key.

4) Step up when you do see an edge. No fear. No hesitation. Follow your process. Expect nothing. Expectations create emotions.
