There's a rumor that "Satoshi Nakamoto has the destruction keys to Bitcoin".


This is impossible, because of the computer code.

The code is governed by rules.

These rules are the same because of standards (such as the SHA-256 hashing algorithm Bitcoin depends on to exist), any deviation makes the code impossible to run or function.

If there ever was any code with these properties, then some developer would have found it by now, which they have not. It would be like finding explosives inside all regular calculators, someone would have noticed.

The fact that there is a functional "Bitcoin", is proof that it will continue to operate until nodes and miners are shut down (and that people stop buying it, barely).

This is why Bitcoin is so incredibly robust. How do you kill it?

And even if mainstream traders stops investing, there's always the "underground" crypto market and enthusiasts...

#Bitcoin #BTCMarketPanic #MarketDownturn #ZEPHYR #ZephyrProtocol