A survey conducted by Pantera Capital with 502 participants has shown that women earn more money than men in the crypto industry.

Pantera Capital recently conducted a salary survey in the crypto industry, with participation from 502 individuals. The results revealed that, unlike most other industries, women in this field earn higher salaries than men.

Women earn 15% more than men

This finding is a positive highlight for an industry facing many public perception challenges. In non-crypto companies in the U.S., women typically earn about 16% less than men. However, in the crypto industry, women earn on average about 15% more than men, equating to $1.15 for every $1.00 that men earn.

Why do women earn more than men in crypto?

Women in this industry often have more experience and hold mid to senior-level positions, with over five years of experience in roles ranging from lower management to senior management, including director and CEO positions. In contrast, men are more frequently found in entry-level positions.

Even when experience is not factored in, women still have higher earnings than men in the crypto sector. The study authors suggest that a plausible reason is that women in this industry often possess the “lindy” quality – the ability to overcome difficulties and obstacles, indicating a higher potential for future success.

In most occupations, women earn less than men.

Women who have faced challenges in the crypto industry tend to have qualities such as resilience and high capability. This, combined with their longer tenure in the field, contributes to their higher salaries.

Men, on the other hand, are more likely to take on high-risk opportunities with less experience, which is why they often accept lower-paying jobs in the crypto sector early on. Women generally prefer safety, leading to fewer women entering the high-risk and highly specialized crypto market. This results in a relatively low number of women in the crypto industry.

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