#Trump's 2nd Term Seems Certain; #Bitcoin +1,854% During His 1st Term!

👇1-14) Trading is akin to solving a daily puzzle with ever-changing pieces. Traders must continuously assess their current positions against the latest data, adjusting their strategies as needed. George #Soros famously demonstrated the importance of adaptability in trading by switching his stance when trades turned against him, using opposing hypotheses to guide his decisions.

👇2-14) Our Monday report, "10 Reasons Why Bitcoin Surged 10%," highlighted the shift in Bitcoin sentiment. Bitcoin could maintain its bullish narrative this week, especially with high expectations for Trump’s keynote address at the Bitcoin conference in #Nashville. There is speculation that Trump might announce Bitcoin as a strategic reserve for the U.S., which could further boost its value.

👇 3-14) On Monday, Larry Fink, CEO of #BlackRock, spoke favorably about Bitcoin on #Bloomberg, calling it a legitimate financial instrument and praising its potential to revolutionize the financial system. Fink's comments reflect a significant shift from his earlier skepticism and align with growing institutional interest in cryptocurrencies. There is now speculation that other corporate leaders would also endorse Bitcoin.

👇 4-14) Read the full report:
