Cool so Binance want to silence me.

Please see attached.

I have never spammed, promoted, solicited anything on square in my life, I have acted in a 100% moral way throughout.

This is obviously their way of telling me to stop posting about USDT, VC trash projects or including that they(Binance)are part of these projects.

The only community guideline I might have broken is about hurting the Binance brand, if speaking the truth hurts their brand then they should be working more on themselves and how to fix the problems I show in my posts, problems I show with proof !

I have done my best to help the crypto community through square, not just on my threads but people with questions on square in general.

I challenge anyone at Binance who might monitor my posts or square in general to point out 1 instance where I have acted in any way to deserve this warning.

Not only this but in recent days I have people wanting my personal contact info to talk to me “urgently” , these are people who I have never spoken to before on square.

Obviously the truth is not welcome here.

Maybe I’m digging too deep for their liking.

Anyways if one day I’m gone you know why.


#TheWolfThatWins #BinanceTurns7 #BinanceTournament #BinanceSquareFamily