🔴 Will $BETA Rise Again 🔴

BETA is currently valued at $0.066, marking a 1.9% decrease since yesterday and a 14.1% drop from last week. The trading volume has reached $11,549,287 in the past day. After a significant 170% increase, BETA experienced a ~40% fall, influenced by profit-taking activities and the recent downturn in Bitcoin’s price.

Currently, BETA’s performance is subdued compared to many cryptocurrencies. However, it has shown a promising signal on the 1-day chart according to technical indicators. The support and resistance levels to watch are $0.053 and $0.078 respectively. Traders are observing these levels for potential price movements.

#BETA #$BOND #SOFR_Spike #Ton_Coin_Surge #BTC_Bounce_Back_to_57k #BTC