using a paired strategy with Bitcoin (BTC) and Ethereum (ETH) can be a practical approach, given their strong correlation in the cryptocurrency market. Here's a simplified version of such a strategy:

### Paired Long/Short Strategy with BTC and ETH

#### Assumptions:

1. When Bitcoin goes up, Ethereum tends to go up.

2. When Bitcoin goes down, Ethereum tends to go down.

### Strategy Outline:

1. **Open Long Position on BTC**

- **Entry Point**: Identify a suitable entry point for a long position in BTC using technical indicators like moving averages or support/resistance levels.

- **Stop-Loss**: Set a stop-loss at 5% below the entry price to limit potential losses.

- **Take-Profit**: Set a take-profit at 15% above the entry price to lock in gains.

2. **Open Short Position on ETH**

- **Entry Point**: Simultaneously, open a short position on ETH, assuming that if BTC goes down, ETH will follow.

- **Stop-Loss**: Set a stop-loss at 5% above the entry price for the short position.

- **Take-Profit**: Set a take-profit at 15% below the entry price.

### Example Scenario:

#### Initial Setup:

- **BTC Price**: $30,000

- **ETH Price**: $2,000

#### BTC Long Trade:

- **Entry Price**: $30,000

- **Stop-Loss**: $28,500 (5% below entry price)

- **Take-Profit**: $34,500 (15% above entry price)

#### ETH Short Trade:

- **Entry Price**: $2,000

- **Stop-Loss**: $2,100 (5% above entry price)

- **Take-Profit**: $1,700 (15% below entry price)

### Steps to Execute the Strategy:

1. **Identify Entry Points**: Use technical indicators to determine the best time to enter the trades.

2. **Place Orders**:

- Open a long position on BTC with a 5% stop-loss and 15% take-profit.

- Simultaneously, open a short position on ETH with a 5% stop-loss and 15% take-profit.

3. **Monitor Trades**: Keep an eye on market conditions and adjust stop-loss and take-profit levels if necessary to protect your trades.

4. **Risk Management**: Ensure you are not over-leveraging and only risk a small percentage of your trading capital on these trades.

### Advantages:

- **Hedge**: This strategy acts as a hedge since one trade might profit if the other hits a stop-loss.

- **Correlation**: It leverages the high correlation between BTC and ETH, assuming similar directional movements.

### Limitations:

- **Market Volatility**: Sudden market movements could trigger stop-losses on both positions.

- **Fees**: Be mindful of trading fees and potential funding rates for holding futures positions.

### Final Thoughts:

While this strategy leverages the correlation between BTC and ETH, it's important to continually analyze market conditions and adjust your approach as needed. Additionally, practicing risk management and staying disciplined with your stop-loss and take-profit levels is crucial for long-term success.

Remember, no strategy guarantees a 90% success rate, but a disciplined approach and continuous learning can improve your chances of achieving consistent profits.