"Beware of the self-proclaimed 'experts' crawling out of the woodwork, proclaiming a new bull run and begging you to "buy the dip" and join their paid groups. Newsflash: they have no clue what they're doing! They're just trying to lure you into their trap with false promises and fancy charts. Don't fall for it!

These 'rainy day snacks' have been wrong since the market was at $73,000, and they're still screaming "Bull Run!" like a broken record. Don't be their next victim! Do your own research, and don't bother with their paid groups. Trust us, your wallet will thank you. And when the market finally recovers (if it ever does), they'll be the first to claim "I told you so!" while you're over here like "Uh, no, you didn't." Stay vigilant, folks!"

