
Recently, there has been an increase in peer-to-peer (P2P) scams across South America. These scams predominantly occur on social media platforms such as TikTok, Instagram, and others. Scammers lure users by offering exchange rates for cryptocurrency that are significantly better than the market rates. Their objective is to entice users to conduct transactions outside of the secure environment of Binance P2P exchange.

How the Scam Works

The scam typically unfolds as follows:

1. Attractive Offers: Scammers post seemingly lucrative offers on social media, promising higher exchange rates for P2P crypto transactions.

2. Contact Initiation: Interested users contact the scammers, drawn by the attractive rates.

3. Transfer Request: Scammers then ask these users to transfer their cryptocurrency to a specified address as the first step in the transaction.

4. Blocking the User: Once the user has transferred their crypto, the scammers block all further communication, making it impossible for the user to retrieve their transferred assets.

Precautionary Measures

To protect yourself from such scams, it is essential to follow these precautionary measures:

1. Use Trusted Platforms: Always conduct P2P transactions on reputable platforms like Binance. Binance provides a secure environment for P2P transactions, ensuring that both parties are protected.

2. Verify Offers: Be wary of offers that seem too good to be true. If the exchange rate being offered is significantly better than the market rate, it could be a scam.

3. Avoid Direct Transfers: Never transfer your cryptocurrency to an unknown address outside of the secure platform. Use the integrated transaction mechanisms provided by platforms like Binance.

4. Report Suspicious Activity: If you encounter any suspicious offers or activity, report it immediately to the platform’s support team or to the relevant authorities.


By staying vigilant and using trusted platforms for P2P transactions, you can significantly reduce the risk of falling victim to these scams. Remember, if an offer seems too good to be true, it probably is. Protect your assets by adhering to safe transaction practices.