Binance Square


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Diskutuje: 122
24. 7. 2024
未来牛市最有潜力的加密货币!   $PEPE meme板块一个全流通的代币,市值52.84亿 $BOME bome 在SOL生态中占据领先地位,随SOL崛起而繁荣。有望成为市场新星,引领新潮流。 市值6亿,也是一个全流通的代币 #sln 涉及了AI人工智能,Web3,DEFI,NFT等领域 ,现在正处于价值洼地,经历了这么久的洗盘,已经洗的很彻底了,目前流通量1500万,据消息称这几天会有利好的消息公布,翻倍不成问题 $ETHFI Ether.Fi是一个以太坊上全新的基础设施型质押协议。 流通数量1.15亿ethfi,市值3.06亿,进入七月以来走的一个震荡上行的趋势 #美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会
$PEPE meme板块一个全流通的代币,市值52.84亿

$BOME bome 在SOL生态中占据领先地位,随SOL崛起而繁荣。有望成为市场新星,引领新潮流。 市值6亿,也是一个全流通的代币

#sln 涉及了AI人工智能,Web3,DEFI,NFT等领域 ,现在正处于价值洼地,经历了这么久的洗盘,已经洗的很彻底了,目前流通量1500万,据消息称这几天会有利好的消息公布,翻倍不成问题

$ETHFI Ether.Fi是一个以太坊上全新的基础设施型质押协议。

#美国以太坊现货ETF开始交易 #比特币大会
23. 2. 2024
Community Raises Concerns About High Number Of Ineligiblity Of Smart Layer Airdrop The smart layer community raises concern on discord, as they notice the large number of Ineligiblity regardless of consistently fulfilling all project task. Opinion: The Smart layer team ended up doing a raffle, and majority of those with high-points failed to qualify. I find it troubling and it shows the negligence of the team members towards the community. #Smart_layer #sln
Community Raises Concerns About High Number Of Ineligiblity Of Smart Layer Airdrop

The smart layer community raises concern on discord, as they notice the large number of Ineligiblity regardless of consistently fulfilling all project task.

Opinion: The Smart layer team ended up doing a raffle, and majority of those with high-points failed to qualify.

I find it troubling and it shows the negligence of the team members towards the community.

#Smart_layer #sln
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