Binance Square


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17个月涨幅38000%! 第一大RWA代币,疑操纵价格? 提起RWA代币化,可能一些人并不熟悉,简单理解为“现实世界资产代币化”。 近几年,RWA代币化越发受到关注。Mantra(OM)作为标志性代币在RWA领域发展势头强劲,截至发稿时,市值约为65亿,成为市值第一大RWA代币。 Mantra是MantraLayer1区块链的原生代币,它通过Mantra DAO用于项目治理。 Mantra是一个RWA Layer1区块链,用于现实世界资产的代币化。据该项目称,它为用户提供了一个符合监管要求的网络,用于代币发行和其他交易。 Mantra使用Cosmos多链和IBC技术构建,具有代币化基础设施,旨在与其他网络和协议(如去中心化交易所)实现高效的互操作性。 纵观2024年1月1日至12月31日期间的表现,Mantra价格增长超过了5700%。 2023年10月12日,Mantra价格当时跌倒历史最低点0.01726美元,但这也成为了Mantra的转折点。 此后,Mantra一直保持较高的增长态势,相较于历史最低点,Mantra的涨幅已经超过了38000%。 根据CoinGecko数据显示,Mantra当前价格为6.6美元,市值超65亿美元,日交易量超7700万美元,进一步巩固了其作为2024年表现最佳的加密资产之一的地位。 #RWA #币安合约将上线JELLYJELLY
17个月涨幅38000%! 第一大RWA代币,疑操纵价格?



Mantra是MantraLayer1区块链的原生代币,它通过Mantra DAO用于项目治理。

Mantra是一个RWA Layer1区块链,用于现实世界资产的代币化。据该项目称,它为用户提供了一个符合监管要求的网络,用于代币发行和其他交易。




Serenity’s New Digital Gateway is LIVE! 🚀 A new era for decentralized security, real-world asset integration, and blockchain-powered services has arrived! We’re proud to introduce—the next step in Serenity’s evolution into a global tech powerhouse. This isn't just a website, it’s a milestone. A gateway that cements #Serenity position in Real-World Services (#RWS ), Real-World Assets (#RWA ), and Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (#DePIN ). 🔹 Your data. Your security. Serenity’s cutting-edge #DeDaSP (Decentralized Data Security Protocol) is at your service. 🔹 Biometric-Only Access—Get your sAxess Card, the world’s first hardware wallet with zero-password authentication. 🔹 Business & Enterprise Solutions—Seamlessly integrate Serenity’s decentralized storage and security into your operations. 🔹 A hub for Web3 & beyond—Navigate an intuitive ecosystem designed for individuals, businesses, and institutional adoption. With this launch, Serenity is bridging traditional industries with blockchain innovation, creating solutions that redefine how businesses operate and how individuals secure their assets. This is a major leap toward mass adoption, ensuring that decentralized security and financial sovereignty are not just promises—they are reality. 🚀 The revolution has begun—be part of it!
Serenity’s New Digital Gateway is LIVE! 🚀

A new era for decentralized security, real-world asset integration, and blockchain-powered services has arrived! We’re proud to introduce—the next step in Serenity’s evolution into a global tech powerhouse.

This isn't just a website, it’s a milestone. A gateway that cements #Serenity position in Real-World Services (#RWS ), Real-World Assets (#RWA ), and Decentralized Physical Infrastructure Networks (#DePIN ).

🔹 Your data. Your security. Serenity’s cutting-edge #DeDaSP (Decentralized Data Security Protocol) is at your service.

🔹 Biometric-Only Access—Get your sAxess Card, the world’s first hardware wallet with zero-password authentication.

🔹 Business & Enterprise Solutions—Seamlessly integrate Serenity’s decentralized storage and security into your operations.

🔹 A hub for Web3 & beyond—Navigate an intuitive ecosystem designed for individuals, businesses, and institutional adoption.

With this launch, Serenity is bridging traditional industries with blockchain innovation, creating solutions that redefine how businesses operate and how individuals secure their assets.

This is a major leap toward mass adoption, ensuring that decentralized security and financial sovereignty are not just promises—they are reality.

🚀 The revolution has begun—be part of it!
房地产代币化服务正式在Polygon上线! 现实世界资产 (RWA) 代币化交易平台--RealEstate.Exchange(REX)在Polygon网络上推出房地产代币化服务,并建立了一个合规的二级市场,便于散户投资者进行碎片化房地产投资,并致力于解决行业流动性难题。 与此同时,REX平台将在佛罗里达州迈阿密推出两处豪华房产,包括由FraXion管理的拥有529个单元的大楼The Legacy Hotel & Residences,以及由Trade Estate管理的拥有38个单元的住宅综合体。 选择Polygon并非偶然。Polygon因其低交易费、快速结算和高度安全,成为REX的首选区块链。同时,Polygon目前日交易额超10亿美元,位列公链交易量第13。 通过将房产分割成碎片化代币化资产,投资者可以像买卖加密货币一样交易房产份额,不再需要等待漫长的房产过户流程。DigitShares CEO Claus Skaaning透露,除了首批两个项目,还有5-6处房产正在筹备上线,涵盖住宅、商业和豪华地产等多种类型。 此外,在合规方面,REX已经通过美国SEC注册的Texture Capital获得运营许可,同时正在申请欧盟MiCA和MiFID框架下的牌照,未来还计划拓展至阿联酋和南非市场。其母公司DigitShares自2018年以来已经支持了1-2亿美元的代币化房地产交易,可谓经验丰富。 当前,RWA代币化市场迅速扩张,规模更是达620亿美元,而房地产代币数量以595种领先。Mantra Finance CEO对此预测,链上房地产资产未来或达数万亿美元。 综上,REX的推出不仅为散户打开了高端地产投资的大门,更标志着区块链技术在改变传统金融基础设施方面又迈出重要一步。 相信随着阿联酋等地积极拥抱代币化房地产,加上欧盟新规的出台,2025年很可能成为RWA爆发的关键一年。 你会考虑投资代币化房地产吗?你认为房产代币化能有效解决房地产流动性、并降低投资门槛吗? #房地产代币化 #Polygon #RWA #数字资产

现实世界资产 (RWA) 代币化交易平台--RealEstate.Exchange(REX)在Polygon网络上推出房地产代币化服务,并建立了一个合规的二级市场,便于散户投资者进行碎片化房地产投资,并致力于解决行业流动性难题。

与此同时,REX平台将在佛罗里达州迈阿密推出两处豪华房产,包括由FraXion管理的拥有529个单元的大楼The Legacy Hotel & Residences,以及由Trade Estate管理的拥有38个单元的住宅综合体。


通过将房产分割成碎片化代币化资产,投资者可以像买卖加密货币一样交易房产份额,不再需要等待漫长的房产过户流程。DigitShares CEO Claus Skaaning透露,除了首批两个项目,还有5-6处房产正在筹备上线,涵盖住宅、商业和豪华地产等多种类型。

此外,在合规方面,REX已经通过美国SEC注册的Texture Capital获得运营许可,同时正在申请欧盟MiCA和MiFID框架下的牌照,未来还计划拓展至阿联酋和南非市场。其母公司DigitShares自2018年以来已经支持了1-2亿美元的代币化房地产交易,可谓经验丰富。

当前,RWA代币化市场迅速扩张,规模更是达620亿美元,而房地产代币数量以595种领先。Mantra Finance CEO对此预测,链上房地产资产未来或达数万亿美元。




#房地产代币化 #Polygon #RWA #数字资产
10 h
RWA Real-world assets: what are they and how are they connected to cryptocurrencies? 🌍💰 Real-world assets are resources that have physical existence and value, such as real estate, gold, art, or commodities. In recent years, cryptocurrencies have started to interact with these assets, creating new opportunities for investors. Which real-world assets can be linked to crypto? 🔹 Real estate tokenization – the ability to invest in real estate through cryptocurrency platforms. 🔹 Digital gold – tokens backed by actual gold, facilitating transactions and investment. 🔹 NFTs based on physical objects – digital collectibles representing real-world art or goods. Why is this important? Tokenizing real assets opens up new horizons for investors, allowing them to easily and quickly interact with assets that were previously hard to access. It helps create more liquid and diverse markets, while also reducing barriers to investment. by @Cryptemic Academy 🚀 #realworldassets #Tokenization #CryptoInvestment #RWA #nft
RWA Real-world assets: what are they and how are they connected to cryptocurrencies? 🌍💰

Real-world assets are resources that have physical existence and value, such as real estate, gold, art, or commodities. In recent years, cryptocurrencies have started to interact with these assets, creating new opportunities for investors.

Which real-world assets can be linked to crypto?

🔹 Real estate tokenization – the ability to invest in real estate through cryptocurrency platforms.
🔹 Digital gold – tokens backed by actual gold, facilitating transactions and investment.
🔹 NFTs based on physical objects – digital collectibles representing real-world art or goods.

Why is this important?

Tokenizing real assets opens up new horizons for investors, allowing them to easily and quickly interact with assets that were previously hard to access. It helps create more liquid and diverse markets, while also reducing barriers to investment.

by Academy 🚀

#realworldassets #Tokenization #CryptoInvestment #RWA #nft
rwa板块也是比较关注看好的一个板块,其中的rsr,polyx,ondo也是前面让囤的,表现最好的就是rsr了,从0.0055开始到现在的0.008涨幅超过40%,polyx超过20%,ondo有个10%左右#RWA #rsr #POLYX #ONDO $RSR $POLYX {future}(POLYXUSDT) {spot}(RSRUSDT)
rwa板块也是比较关注看好的一个板块,其中的rsr,polyx,ondo也是前面让囤的,表现最好的就是rsr了,从0.0055开始到现在的0.008涨幅超过40%,polyx超过20%,ondo有个10%左右#RWA #rsr #POLYX #ONDO $RSR $POLYX
🔝 Top 20 Crypto Assets from Grayscale Research For Q2 2025, according to Grayscale Research, it emphasizes three key sectors: - DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure) - RWA (Real World Assets) - IP (Intellectual Property Tokenization) #CryptoAssets #DePIN #RWA #IP #Grayscale
🔝 Top 20 Crypto Assets from Grayscale Research

For Q2 2025, according to Grayscale Research, it emphasizes three key sectors:
- DePIN (Decentralized Physical Infrastructure)
- RWA (Real World Assets)
- IP (Intellectual Property Tokenization)

#CryptoAssets #DePIN #RWA #IP #Grayscale
26. 3.
Weekly RWA Price AnalysisMarket positioning indicates a possible continuation because the asset price has broken resistance firmly yet retested several higher resistance levels after breaking through. Such market conditions require patient investors to look for pullbacks since they allow better price entries when the overall market maintains bullish characteristics. Investors achieve effective risk management through this approach which facilitates them to enter market positions at lower prices. Support levels form perfect conditions for investors to build more positions at better costs during favorable market conditions. The integration of #SocialMining technology from #DAOLabs #RWAHub enhances investment insights for the market. The #RWA platform creates a connection between conventional assets and decentralized systems which enables reliable community coordination. The system structure protects value for investors while strengthening the entire economic network. DAO Labs understands that positive market structure suits its RWA initiatives since they unite blockchain technology with real-world assets to create a fair and transparent decentralized finance framework. Marketwide progression requires investors to conduct team evaluations in addition to their project analyses. Investors need to understand both project teams’ objectives along with technical market data because these elements provide equal importance during assessment. By connecting traditional assets to blockchain technology RWA projects open new expansion opportunities for investors who need to participate intelligently to maximize their earnings.

Weekly RWA Price Analysis

Market positioning indicates a possible continuation because the asset price has broken resistance firmly yet retested several higher resistance levels after breaking through. Such market conditions require patient investors to look for pullbacks since they allow better price entries when the overall market maintains bullish characteristics. Investors achieve effective risk management through this approach which facilitates them to enter market positions at lower prices. Support levels form perfect conditions for investors to build more positions at better costs during favorable market conditions.

The integration of #SocialMining technology from #DAOLabs #RWAHub enhances investment insights for the market. The #RWA platform creates a connection between conventional assets and decentralized systems which enables reliable community coordination. The system structure protects value for investors while strengthening the entire economic network. DAO Labs understands that positive market structure suits its RWA initiatives since they unite blockchain technology with real-world assets to create a fair and transparent decentralized finance framework.
Marketwide progression requires investors to conduct team evaluations in addition to their project analyses. Investors need to understand both project teams’ objectives along with technical market data because these elements provide equal importance during assessment. By connecting traditional assets to blockchain technology RWA projects open new expansion opportunities for investors who need to participate intelligently to maximize their earnings.
How Tokenized Real-World Assets Are Redefining Finance (and Your Portfolio!)Hold onto your wallets, crypto enthusiasts! The DeFi universe just hit a jaw-dropping milestone: tokenized Real-World Assets (RWA) have rocketed to $11 billion in Total Value Locked (TVL) — a 7.23% weekly surge that’s shaking up finance as we know it. Imagine owning a slice of the Empire State Building while sipping coffee in your office, or trading U.S. Treasury bonds as easily as swapping memecoins. Welcome to the future; RWA’s $11 Billion Party: Who’s Bringing the drinks? This isn’t just a number—it’s a financial earthquake. The RWA sector is now the 7th DeFi category to smash the $10B ceiling, and the guest list includes some heavy hitters: Maker RWA: The OG of tokenization, turning everything from skyscrapers to T-bills into digital gold (over $1B TVL!). BlackRock’s BUIDL: Wall Street’s golden child is building blockchain infrastructure, proving even suits love crypto. Ethena & Ondo Finance: These DeFi darlings locked $1B+ each, blending crypto agility with TradeFi muscle. And get this: tokenized U.S. Treasuries alone are now a $5B marketmark Binance’s RWA Hall of Fame: Tokens to check out in 2025: Think of Binance as the VIP lounge for RWA innovation. Here’s who’s trending : 1. MANTRA (OM) – The Rulebook Rebel - It’s like the Switzerland of RWA—super compliant, yet wildly innovative. $OM {future}(OMUSDT) 2. Rexas Finance (RXS) – The Underdog This $10 gem uses AI to turn art, property, and rare wines into bite-sized investments. Imagine owning a Picasso pixel! It is involved in Democratizing luxury—because yachts shouldn’t just be for tech billionaires. 3. XDC Network (XDC) & Polymesh (POLYX) – The Dynamic Duo XDC: Tokenizing oil, gold, and coffee beans (because why *not* trade your latte as an asset?). POLYX: The security token ninja—perfect for institutions dipping toes into crypto. $POLYX {future}(POLYXUSDT) 4. OpenEden – Binance’s Golden Child Backed by Binance Labs, it’s bridging TradFi and DeFi with tokenized stocks and bonds. Why you should include RWAs on Your Portfolio - Pizza-Slice Investing: Own 0.001% of a Dubai skyscraper for less than a Netflix subscsubscription -Liquidity = Freedom: Ditch 5-year property waits—trade tokenized real estate faster than a TikTok trend. - Regulation Armor: Projects like MANTRA kiss bureaucracy’s ring, so you avoid legal drama. -Growth Galore: RWA could hit $16T by 2030. Early birds? They’ll feast. What’s Next for RWA on Binance? Binance new listings: - OpenEden: Binance Labs could drop tokenized blue-chip stocks. - Rexas Finance: Their AI-driven platform might just be the next big thing. Set price alerts. When RWA goes mainstream, you’ll want front-row seats. In conclusion, RWAs aren’t just a trend—they’re rewriting finance’s DNA. Whether you’re into gold-backed tokens, digital real estate, or AI-curated art portfolios, Binance is your launchpad. So, strap in, do your homework, and remember: in 2030, you’ll either be the one saying “I told you so” or “I should’ve bought that tokenized vineyard.” If your friends still think crypto’s just about Dogecoin, forward them this article. Thank me later. #RWA #RWAcoinList #RWAProjects

How Tokenized Real-World Assets Are Redefining Finance (and Your Portfolio!)

Hold onto your wallets, crypto enthusiasts! The DeFi universe just hit a jaw-dropping milestone: tokenized Real-World Assets (RWA) have rocketed to $11 billion in Total Value Locked (TVL) — a 7.23% weekly surge that’s shaking up finance as we know it.
Imagine owning a slice of the Empire State Building while sipping coffee in your office, or trading U.S. Treasury bonds as easily as swapping memecoins. Welcome to the future;

RWA’s $11 Billion Party: Who’s Bringing the drinks?
This isn’t just a number—it’s a financial earthquake. The RWA sector is now the 7th DeFi category to smash the $10B ceiling, and the guest list includes some heavy hitters:
Maker RWA: The OG of tokenization, turning everything from skyscrapers to T-bills into digital gold (over $1B TVL!).
BlackRock’s BUIDL: Wall Street’s golden child is building blockchain infrastructure, proving even suits love crypto.
Ethena & Ondo Finance: These DeFi darlings locked $1B+ each, blending crypto agility with TradeFi muscle.
And get this: tokenized U.S. Treasuries alone are now a $5B marketmark
Binance’s RWA Hall of Fame: Tokens to check out in 2025:
Think of Binance as the VIP lounge for RWA innovation. Here’s who’s trending :

1. MANTRA (OM) – The Rulebook Rebel
- It’s like the Switzerland of RWA—super compliant, yet wildly innovative.

2. Rexas Finance (RXS) – The Underdog
This $10 gem uses AI to turn art, property, and rare wines into bite-sized investments. Imagine owning a Picasso pixel!
It is involved in Democratizing luxury—because yachts shouldn’t just be for tech billionaires.

3. XDC Network (XDC) & Polymesh (POLYX) – The Dynamic Duo
XDC: Tokenizing oil, gold, and coffee beans (because why *not* trade your latte as an asset?).
POLYX: The security token ninja—perfect for institutions dipping toes into crypto.

4. OpenEden – Binance’s Golden Child
Backed by Binance Labs, it’s bridging TradFi and DeFi with tokenized stocks and bonds.

Why you should include RWAs on Your Portfolio
- Pizza-Slice Investing: Own 0.001% of a Dubai skyscraper for less than a Netflix subscsubscription
-Liquidity = Freedom: Ditch 5-year property waits—trade tokenized real estate faster than a TikTok trend.
- Regulation Armor: Projects like MANTRA kiss bureaucracy’s ring, so you avoid legal drama.
-Growth Galore: RWA could hit $16T by 2030. Early birds? They’ll feast.

What’s Next for RWA on Binance?
Binance new listings:
- OpenEden: Binance Labs could drop tokenized blue-chip stocks.
- Rexas Finance: Their AI-driven platform might just be the next big thing.

Set price alerts. When RWA goes mainstream, you’ll want front-row seats.

In conclusion,
RWAs aren’t just a trend—they’re rewriting finance’s DNA. Whether you’re into gold-backed tokens, digital real estate, or AI-curated art portfolios, Binance is your launchpad. So, strap in, do your homework, and remember: in 2030, you’ll either be the one saying “I told you so” or “I should’ve bought that tokenized vineyard.”

If your friends still think crypto’s just about Dogecoin, forward them this article. Thank me later.
#RWA #RWAcoinList #RWAProjects
25. 3.
🚀 BlackRock's BUIDL Blasts Off to Solana! $1.7B and Counting! 💰$SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT) {future}(SOLUSDT) Hey Binance Square fam! 👋 Get ready for some massive news! BlackRock is expanding its BUIDL fund to Solana, and the numbers are mind-blowing! 🤯 BUIDL's Meteoric Rise! 📈 * $1.7 Billion AUM! BlackRock's BUIDL fund has skyrocketed to over $1.7 billion in assets under management! 🤑 * $700 Million Inflows in 11 Days! The fund saw a massive $700 million injection in just 11 days! 🚀 * Solana Expansion! BUIDL is now live on Solana, its seventh blockchain network! 🌐 * Multi-Chain Access: Also available on Ethereum, Aptos, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, and Polygon! 🔗 Why BUIDL Is a Game-Changer! 🎮 * Tokenized Real-World Assets (RWAs): BUIDL tokenizes traditional money market instruments, like U.S. Treasurys! 🏦 * 24/7 Access: Unlike traditional funds, BUIDL offers continuous access, eliminating trading hour constraints! ⏰ * Faster Settlement: Tokenized RWAs enable faster settlement times! ⚡ * Increased Efficiency: BUIDL brings the efficiency of blockchain to traditional finance! 💼 Solana's Role in RWA Tokenization! ☀️ * High Speed and Low Costs: Solana's network is perfect for tokenizing RWAs! 🏎️ * Active Developer Ecosystem: Solana's vibrant developer community is driving innovation! 🧑‍💻 * Next Wave of Adoption: Solana is poised to lead the charge in RWA tokenization! 🌊 Competition Heats Up! 🔥 * Franklin Templeton's FOBXX: Another major player in the tokenized money market space! 🏦 * Multi-Chain Presence: FOBXX is also available on eight blockchain platforms, including Solana! 🔗 What's Next? 🔮 The tokenized RWA market is booming, and BlackRock's expansion to Solana is a major milestone! We can expect to see more innovation and adoption in this space! 🌟 Remember, this is not financial advice! Always do your own research (DYOR) and trade responsibly! ⚖️ Let's discuss in the comments! What are your thoughts on BUIDL's expansion and the future of RWA tokenization? 👇 Let's ride this wave of innovation together! 🌊 #blackRock #solana #RWA #crypto #BinanceSquare 💎

🚀 BlackRock's BUIDL Blasts Off to Solana! $1.7B and Counting! 💰


Hey Binance Square fam! 👋 Get ready for some massive news! BlackRock is expanding its BUIDL fund to Solana, and the numbers are mind-blowing! 🤯
BUIDL's Meteoric Rise! 📈
* $1.7 Billion AUM! BlackRock's BUIDL fund has skyrocketed to over $1.7 billion in assets under management! 🤑
* $700 Million Inflows in 11 Days! The fund saw a massive $700 million injection in just 11 days! 🚀
* Solana Expansion! BUIDL is now live on Solana, its seventh blockchain network! 🌐
* Multi-Chain Access: Also available on Ethereum, Aptos, Arbitrum, Avalanche, Optimism, and Polygon! 🔗
Why BUIDL Is a Game-Changer! 🎮
* Tokenized Real-World Assets (RWAs): BUIDL tokenizes traditional money market instruments, like U.S. Treasurys! 🏦
* 24/7 Access: Unlike traditional funds, BUIDL offers continuous access, eliminating trading hour constraints! ⏰
* Faster Settlement: Tokenized RWAs enable faster settlement times! ⚡
* Increased Efficiency: BUIDL brings the efficiency of blockchain to traditional finance! 💼
Solana's Role in RWA Tokenization! ☀️
* High Speed and Low Costs: Solana's network is perfect for tokenizing RWAs! 🏎️
* Active Developer Ecosystem: Solana's vibrant developer community is driving innovation! 🧑‍💻
* Next Wave of Adoption: Solana is poised to lead the charge in RWA tokenization! 🌊
Competition Heats Up! 🔥
* Franklin Templeton's FOBXX: Another major player in the tokenized money market space! 🏦
* Multi-Chain Presence: FOBXX is also available on eight blockchain platforms, including Solana! 🔗
What's Next? 🔮
The tokenized RWA market is booming, and BlackRock's expansion to Solana is a major milestone! We can expect to see more innovation and adoption in this space! 🌟
Remember, this is not financial advice! Always do your own research (DYOR) and trade responsibly! ⚖️
Let's discuss in the comments! What are your thoughts on BUIDL's expansion and the future of RWA tokenization? 👇
Let's ride this wave of innovation together! 🌊
#blackRock #solana #RWA #crypto #BinanceSquare 💎
26. 3.
#defi Tokenized Real-World Assets Surpass $11 Billion in DeFi Sector AI Summary According to BlockBeats, data from DefiLlama indicates that the total value locked (TVL) in the tokenized real-world assets (RWA) sector has exceeded $11 billion, marking a 7.23% increase over the past week and reaching a historic high. This achievement makes it the seventh sector within decentralized finance (DeFi) to surpass the $10 billion mark. Notable contributors to this milestone include Maker RWA, BlackRock's BUIDL, Ethena USDtb, and Ondo Finance, each with a TVL exceeding $1 billion. #RWA
#defi Tokenized Real-World Assets Surpass $11 Billion in DeFi Sector
AI Summary
According to BlockBeats, data from DefiLlama indicates that the total value locked (TVL) in the tokenized real-world assets (RWA) sector has exceeded $11 billion, marking a 7.23% increase over the past week and reaching a historic high. This achievement makes it the seventh sector within decentralized finance (DeFi) to surpass the $10 billion mark. Notable contributors to this milestone include Maker RWA, BlackRock's BUIDL, Ethena USDtb, and Ondo Finance, each with a TVL exceeding $1 billion.
25. 3.
🔥BUIDL de blackrock llega a Solana 🚀 El fondo de mercado monetario tokenizado de #blackRock , conocido como BUIDL, sigue expandiéndose, y esta vez ha llegado a la #blockchain de #solana , una de las redes más rápidas y baratas de hoy en día. Según algunos datos de activos del mundo real (#RWA ), BUIDL de Blackrock lidera los bonos del tesoro de Estados Unidos tokenizados, con una capitalización de mercado de $ 1, 700 millones de dólares y una cuota de mercado de casi 34%. Blackrock lanzó BUIDL en marzo del 2024 en asociación con Securitize, enfocándose inicialmente en la blockchain de #Ethereum , tiempo después se fue expandiendo a otras redes blockchain como Aptos, Arbitrum, Avalanche , Optimism y Polygon. 👉Mas actualizaciones cripto ... Comparte y sigueme para más 👈😎 $SOL {spot}(SOLUSDT)
🔥BUIDL de blackrock llega a Solana 🚀

El fondo de mercado monetario tokenizado de #blackRock , conocido como BUIDL, sigue expandiéndose, y esta vez ha llegado a la #blockchain de #solana , una de las redes más rápidas y baratas de hoy en día.

Según algunos datos de activos del mundo real (#RWA ), BUIDL de Blackrock lidera los bonos del tesoro de Estados Unidos tokenizados, con una capitalización de mercado de $ 1, 700 millones de dólares y una cuota de mercado de casi 34%.

Blackrock lanzó BUIDL en marzo del 2024 en asociación con Securitize, enfocándose inicialmente en la blockchain de #Ethereum , tiempo después se fue expandiendo a otras redes blockchain como Aptos, Arbitrum, Avalanche , Optimism y Polygon.

👉Mas actualizaciones cripto ...
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хочу просто чтоб они инвестировали все свои деньги в PEPE и чтобы оно выросло на 10%. и только они зарадуются всё сразу же обрушится так как обрушилась LUA
🚀 RWA: A Revolução que Conecta o Mundo Real à Blockchain em 2025: Os Real-World Assets (RWAs) estão transformando o mercado cripto em 2025, tokenizando imóveis, títulos, commodities e mais – trazendo liquidez, acessibilidade e eficiência para investimentos antes restritos a grandes players. Por que os RWAs são o próximo grande passo? ✅ Democratização financeira: Frações de imóveis ou títulos públicos agora cabem no seu portfolio. ✅ Eliminação de intermediários: Contratos inteligentes automatizam rendimentos e transferências. ✅ Adoção institucional: Bancos e fundos globais estão adotando a tokenização. Com regulamentações avançando e a tecnologia blockchain amadurecendo, os RWAs podem ser o maior catalisador de adoção em massa – unindo cripto e finanças tradicionais. 📌 Dica : Pesquise antes de investir e acompanhe as últimas tendências RWA por aqui! #RWA    #Cripto 👉 Compartilhe sua opinião: Você já investe em RWAs? $$$ Qual projeto mais te interessa? $KAITO $OM {spot}(OMUSDT) {spot}(KAITOUSDT)
🚀 RWA: A Revolução que Conecta o Mundo Real à Blockchain em 2025:

Os Real-World Assets (RWAs) estão transformando o mercado cripto em 2025, tokenizando imóveis, títulos, commodities e mais – trazendo liquidez, acessibilidade e eficiência para investimentos antes restritos a grandes players.
Por que os RWAs são o próximo grande passo?

✅ Democratização financeira: Frações de imóveis ou títulos públicos agora cabem no seu portfolio.

✅ Eliminação de intermediários: Contratos inteligentes automatizam rendimentos e transferências.

✅ Adoção institucional: Bancos e fundos globais estão adotando a tokenização.

Com regulamentações avançando e a tecnologia blockchain amadurecendo, os RWAs podem ser o maior catalisador de adoção em massa – unindo cripto e finanças tradicionais.

📌 Dica : Pesquise antes de investir e acompanhe as últimas tendências RWA por aqui!

#RWA    #Cripto

👉 Compartilhe sua opinião: Você já investe em RWAs?

$$$ Qual projeto mais te interessa?
O mercado de Real World Assets (RWA) está revolucionando o setor de criptomoedas ao trazer ativos tradicionais, como imóveis, commodities e títulos, para o blockchain. Com a tokenização, a Binance oferece maior liquidez, transparência e acessibilidade a investidores globais. Os RWAs conectam o mundo financeiro tradicional ao ecossistema DeFi, criando oportunidades inéditas de diversificação. Plataformas como a Binance facilitam a negociação desses ativos com segurança e eficiência. Esse mercado promete democratizar investimentos antes restritos a grandes players, impulsionando a adoção em massa de criptoativos. O futuro é RWA – e a Binance está liderando essa transformação! 🚀 #RWA #defi $XRP $TAO {spot}(XRPUSDT) {spot}(TAOUSDT)
O mercado de Real World Assets (RWA) está revolucionando o setor de criptomoedas ao trazer ativos tradicionais, como imóveis, commodities e títulos, para o blockchain. Com a tokenização, a Binance oferece maior liquidez, transparência e acessibilidade a investidores globais.
Os RWAs conectam o mundo financeiro tradicional ao ecossistema DeFi, criando oportunidades inéditas de diversificação. Plataformas como a Binance facilitam a negociação desses ativos com segurança e eficiência.
Esse mercado promete democratizar investimentos antes restritos a grandes players, impulsionando a adoção em massa de criptoativos. O futuro é RWA – e a Binance está liderando essa transformação! 🚀

#RWA #defi


Bitcoin Reclaimed $88K! Is Alt Season Next $BTC reclaimed $88K, and the market is heating up with some green candles. The institutional giant BlackRock is showing serious bullish sentiment on Real World Assets (RWA) a sign that big money is positioning early. With alt season on the horizon, it might be a great time to start accumulating solid tokens like $BOSON before they take off.. As always, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH (DYOR) before making any moves! Stay sharp, stay ahead #RWA #Altcoin #Season #Boson
Bitcoin Reclaimed $88K! Is Alt Season Next

$BTC reclaimed $88K, and the market is heating up with some green candles. The institutional giant BlackRock is showing serious bullish sentiment on Real World Assets (RWA) a sign that big money is positioning early.

With alt season on the horizon, it might be a great time to start accumulating solid tokens like $BOSON before they take off..

As always, DO YOUR OWN RESEARCH (DYOR) before making any moves! Stay sharp, stay ahead

#Season #Boson
25. 3.
#Mantra ($OM ) is a decentralized finance (#DeFi ) platform that leverages blockchain technology for staking, lending, and governance, with a focus on real-world asset (#RWA ) tokenization. Its native token, OM, facilitates transactions, governance, and rewards within the MANTRA ecosystem. Given its recent performance and market developments, Mantra is positioned as a promising asset for investors seeking high-growth opportunities in the crypto market. {spot}(OMUSDT) Market Trends: RWA Tokenization: The RWA sector is one of the most exciting trends in cryptocurrency, enabling the tokenization of physical assets like real estate, art, and commodities. Mantra is a leader in this space, offering a permissionless chain for tokenizing and trading RWAs in compliance with regulatory requirements (MANTRA Chain). This trend is gaining traction due to increasing institutional interest and the potential to bridge traditional finance with decentralized technologies, making Mantra a focal point for market participants. Price Performance and Predictions: Mantra has shown impressive price performance in recent months. As of March 24, 2025, it is trading at $6.84, with a 24-hour trading volume of $124,989,554.26 and a 6.0% increase in the last 24 hours (#CoinGecko ). Year-to-date, Mantra has achieved a 92.71% gain, ranking among the top performers according to Bankrate's analysis (Bankrate). This performance is driven by its focus on RWAs and strategic partnerships, such as tokenizing $500 million in real estate assets for a Dubai-based developer, as noted in an X post by CoinDesk (X post). Price predictions for Mantra are optimistic, with analysts suggesting potential highs above $10 by the end of 2025. For instance, Changelly predicts that Mantra could reach a maximum of $0.9571 in March 2025, with an average trading price of $0.8439, though these figures may reflect earlier data (Changelly). Other forecasts, such as those from CoinCodex, suggest longer-term highs of $14.73 by November 2025, indicating a bullish outlook (#CoinCodex ).
#Mantra ($OM ) is a decentralized finance (#DeFi ) platform that leverages blockchain technology for staking, lending, and governance, with a focus on real-world asset (#RWA ) tokenization. Its native token, OM, facilitates transactions, governance, and rewards within the MANTRA ecosystem. Given its recent performance and market developments, Mantra is positioned as a promising asset for investors seeking high-growth opportunities in the crypto market.

Market Trends: RWA Tokenization:

The RWA sector is one of the most exciting trends in cryptocurrency, enabling the tokenization of physical assets like real estate, art, and commodities. Mantra is a leader in this space, offering a permissionless chain for tokenizing and trading RWAs in compliance with regulatory requirements (MANTRA Chain). This trend is gaining traction due to increasing institutional interest and the potential to bridge traditional finance with decentralized technologies, making Mantra a focal point for market participants.

Price Performance and Predictions:

Mantra has shown impressive price performance in recent months. As of March 24, 2025, it is trading at $6.84, with a 24-hour trading volume of $124,989,554.26 and a 6.0% increase in the last 24 hours (#CoinGecko ). Year-to-date, Mantra has achieved a 92.71% gain, ranking among the top performers according to Bankrate's analysis (Bankrate). This performance is driven by its focus on RWAs and strategic partnerships, such as tokenizing $500 million in real estate assets for a Dubai-based developer, as noted in an X post by CoinDesk (X post).

Price predictions for Mantra are optimistic, with analysts suggesting potential highs above $10 by the end of 2025. For instance, Changelly predicts that Mantra could reach a maximum of $0.9571 in March 2025, with an average trading price of $0.8439, though these figures may reflect earlier data (Changelly). Other forecasts, such as those from CoinCodex, suggest longer-term highs of $14.73 by November 2025, indicating a bullish outlook (#CoinCodex ).
21 h
#RWA $plume 的动作还在继续,后面看把他也加入价格每日监控里面,持续跟踪 {future}(PLUMEUSDT)
$plume 的动作还在继续,后面看把他也加入价格每日监控里面,持续跟踪
Web3+RWA The future is here! HHB brings real assets into the decentralized network and reshapes global value flows! Don't miss this revolution! 🔥 #HHB #DePIN #RWA #Web3
Web3+RWA The future is here! HHB brings real assets into the decentralized network and reshapes global value flows! Don't miss this revolution! 🔥 #HHB #DePIN #RWA #Web3
🔥BRUTAL🔥 La SEC va a cambiar su enfoque sobre el sector #Crypto dejando de lado la aplicación bajo este nuevo liderazgo 🥳🙌 ✅ Menos estrangulamiento regulatorio ✅ Más espacio para la innovación ✅ El dinero institucional se sentirá más seguro al entrar al sector JUSTO EN: 🇺🇸 1,35 billones de dólares añadidos hoy al mercado bursátil estadounidense. 📈 El sector de los #RWA ha crecido un 237% este año, con una capitalización de mercado total que alcanza los 19.000 millones de dólares. 🔥INCREÍBLE🔥 El GIGANTE mundial Blackrock va a lanzar un ETP de #Bitcoin en Europa 😎🔥 🔥ÚLTIMO🔥 💥"La SEC desviará su atención de la aplicación de las LEYES (DESTRUCTIVAS) sobre las #criptomonedas bajo un nuevo liderazgo" 💪Una vez que tengamos una legislación clara sobre #cripto la ADOPCIÓN será total 🔥IMPORTANTE🔥 🇺🇸 La Casa Blanca REDUCE el PLAN ARANCELARIO del 2 de abril, centrándose en impuestos recíprocos específicos. Esto es muy bueno para los MERCADOS‼️ #BTC #blackRock #SEC #EEUU $BTC

La SEC va a cambiar su enfoque sobre el sector #Crypto dejando de lado la aplicación bajo este nuevo liderazgo 🥳🙌

✅ Menos estrangulamiento regulatorio
✅ Más espacio para la innovación
✅ El dinero institucional se sentirá más seguro al entrar al sector

JUSTO EN: 🇺🇸 1,35 billones de dólares añadidos hoy al mercado bursátil estadounidense.

📈 El sector de los #RWA ha crecido un 237% este año, con una capitalización de mercado total que alcanza los 19.000 millones de dólares.


El GIGANTE mundial Blackrock va a lanzar un ETP de #Bitcoin en Europa 😎🔥

💥"La SEC desviará su atención de la aplicación de las LEYES (DESTRUCTIVAS) sobre las #criptomonedas bajo un nuevo liderazgo"

💪Una vez que tengamos una legislación clara sobre #cripto la ADOPCIÓN será total

🇺🇸 La Casa Blanca REDUCE el PLAN ARANCELARIO del 2 de abril, centrándose en impuestos recíprocos específicos.

Esto es muy bueno para los MERCADOS‼️

#BTC #blackRock #SEC #EEUU $BTC
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